Charge fixes

Charge fixes
Warrior's charge spell is a tough one to script. First of all, it is necessary to have a flawless pathfinding, since this is what the spell is based on to calculate its path (underwater, in the air, on a boat...). Also, the charge's stun was applied after a small delay on retail, which allowed impossible combos otherwise (double charge, double control more generally.) However, this delay on the stun has to be compensated by an interpolation of the target's movement, otherwise the warrior wouldn't quite get in melee range of his target. Finally, numerous other details have to be properly scripted (possibility to cancel the auto attack, charge's speed, PVE charge...).
This video shows you how, on Nostalrius, we fixed even the smallest bugs of the warrior's charge.
Don't forget our test session next month. We need you to outlight to us all the bugs you may find so that we can fix them to ensure the smoothest gaming experience you've ever had.
Kind regards, the Nostalrius team.
Warrior's charge spell is a tough one to script. First of all, it is necessary to have a flawless pathfinding, since this is what the spell is based on to calculate its path (underwater, in the air, on a boat...). Also, the charge's stun was applied after a small delay on retail, which allowed impossible combos otherwise (double charge, double control more generally.) However, this delay on the stun has to be compensated by an interpolation of the target's movement, otherwise the warrior wouldn't quite get in melee range of his target. Finally, numerous other details have to be properly scripted (possibility to cancel the auto attack, charge's speed, PVE charge...).
This video shows you how, on Nostalrius, we fixed even the smallest bugs of the warrior's charge.
Don't forget our test session next month. We need you to outlight to us all the bugs you may find so that we can fix them to ensure the smoothest gaming experience you've ever had.
Kind regards, the Nostalrius team.