World of Warcraft - Legacy servers survey

Nostalrius official announcements

Re: World of Warcraft - Legacy servers survey

by theycallmenannerpuss » Mon May 09, 2016 8:02 pm

What you get for that money is an officially sponsored server that is not at the mercy of being shut down by litigation

This alone is why I am okay with paying. I don't like the idea that my progress could be completely wiped away with no notice or reason.
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Re: World of Warcraft - Legacy servers survey

by Baaja » Mon May 09, 2016 9:06 pm

Why isn't the survey on the Nostalrius frontpage? How many respondents does the team need for the survey to be significant in Blizz's eyes?

Re: World of Warcraft - Legacy servers survey

by Fuhrern » Mon May 09, 2016 9:32 pm

Did it. Ingame mount pls )

Yo, lets say youre all powerful in convincing blizzard

make them add level 60 content like karazhan, etc
re-route the game and explore old what ifs but keep the cap and just make small raiding tier content patches, a man can dream

Re: World of Warcraft - Legacy servers survey

by Uidrae » Mon May 09, 2016 9:38 pm

Baaja wrote:Why isn't the survey on the Nostalrius frontpage? How many respondents does the team need for the survey to be significant in Blizz's eyes?

Good point. I learned about from another source after overlooking it on here and came back to take it.

Re: World of Warcraft - Legacy servers survey

by Jeezuss69 » Mon May 09, 2016 9:50 pm

I filled the survey out, fantastic!

Re: World of Warcraft - Legacy servers survey

by Aslan » Mon May 09, 2016 10:14 pm

Scar - Endurance
Aslan - The tales of a Shaman...
Raid streams; As soon as the lag is adjusted (rip)
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Re: World of Warcraft - Legacy servers survey

by Hydra9268 » Tue May 10, 2016 4:46 am

Done and done! Here's to hoping good things come of it. :)
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: World of Warcraft - Legacy servers survey

by Mortisanti » Tue May 10, 2016 5:12 am

klemen wrote:On multiple occasions you are forced to pick options

I know I cherry-picked your post, but I mainly chose this portion because I agree that a few of the questions either force you to choose an option that isn't there, or the question isn't specific enough. Language barrier, maybe?

Re: World of Warcraft - Legacy servers survey

by wrw01200 » Tue May 10, 2016 9:46 am

Can the 1st post of the thread be update with all the contents of the survey reproduced?
Think it's a good manner of announcing anything important without making a participant not only readdressed somewhere but also impaired with a somewhat logging in... :| :| :|

Not mentioning this will better stimulate discussion of perspectives - not limiting it to the "succeeded with my toilet" answers.

And if you hire volunteers to the project it is better to gather valuable suggestions they will deal with afterwards than just ask *do you love that or just love this*!

Still feel little possibility to influence progressive WoW's life after its death!
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Re: World of Warcraft - Legacy servers survey

by nostalrius60 » Tue May 10, 2016 12:11 pm

Viper wrote:Dear community,

One month ago Nostalrius announced the shutdown of its World of Warcraft realms and initiated an open letter to Blizzard's CEO about legacy servers. More than 250.000 players signed the petition which was alot more than we expected. Blizzard responded to our letter by proposing a meeting with them on their campus.

Our only objective now is to carry with us your voices to this meeting. These last weeks we received a lot of feedback regarding what made WoW vanilla unique and a lot of reasons/opinions have been discussed on forums facebook, reddit, twitter...


We believe it is now time to get a summary of your thoughts for legacy realms in general that will be presented to Blizzard at our meeting with our Post Mortem.

Link to the World of Warcraft - Legacy servers survey.

We want this survey to be shared with the largest possible audience: former Nostalrius players, legacy players in general, but also anyone who played World of Warcraft at some point or signed the petition.

If Blizzard wants to create legacy realms, it is something that is likely to affect a large part of the gaming community.

Nostalrius was originally a Vanilla realm, but legacy servers are not only limited to Vanilla wow (Classic). For example, we also need feedback from players willing to experience others expansion again.

Thank you for your support,
and thank you in advance for your help.

Best Regards,
Nostalrius Team.

:idea: :idea: :idea:

Hi Viper,
this survey needs a google account which may limit many players who don't have such account yet since it need extra procedure to register google.



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