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Re: Update regarding PvP

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 8:22 am
by Oyani
Healthycoww wrote:We went where the double honor weekend was. If you remember we were in WSG during double honor too.

'Chu talkin' 'bout foo'? "Double honor weekend" ? On the test realm then i hope! Cause that's not very blizzlike!!

Re: Update regarding PvP

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 10:13 am
by Glasson
I poop in the shower

Re: Update regarding PvP

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 11:16 am
by Younie
Playing in a rankmade involves close to 0 fun - exept the occasionnal prem v prem that happen once a week and in which you're not even sure one of the team won't give up early on to save time in the ranking process.
The rankmade system is not something I find fun to play in. It's not somethign I want to play in. But -if prem v pug was possible - it is a system a ranker would be forced to play in to keep up with honnor.
I did not want to rank on this server, because I know the huge population requires you to play boring rankmade to get a good standing. Ranking is a huge time investment, and if I have to play 12 hours a day, I want to actually feel like playing a game. Not to watch my druid fast cap and aoe the enemy gy.
I'm very gratefull to have a ranking system that allows rankers to have fun without taking the risk of being far behind in the honnor race.
And I'm also gratefull to have the prem v prem matching avaiable to players that are done ranking and are just looking for a good fight.
Thank you Nostalrius.

Re: Update regarding PvP

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 11:22 am
by Zukus
People really think high ranks like dodging. We did what we had to do to fight the enormous decay that we and only we are subject to. We like to fight for our honor, we want to fight for our honor, but with the present system it's all about playtime instead of actually skill/dedication/spec/consumes/organization/communication.

If I am not in the top 50 of my faction i will lose my rank. In order for me to get an higher rank I need to be in the top 10 of my faction. Why oh why am I forced to compete with much lower Ranks for those spots (which they don't even need for there is a limit you know).

Revert the Prem vs Prem Q system (going back to blizzlike yay!). One Q, you'll have to fight whoever you get, no dodging everyone fights for their honor.

And last but not least, to all those who whine about the premades I shall give you a few facts:

- None of us was born in a premade: some of us have worked weeks to prove themselves worthy.
- You CAN make your own: contrary to popular belief you do not need god's "go ahead" to make a new grp
- Premades can be beaten: In no way shape or form are premades unbeatable, we lose to each other and even to pugs, we are just like you.
- Being in a premade is alot of work, we have schedules and list of consumables to obey.
- Premading is expensive: In both time and money, how many of the people whining are ok with spending 100g+ a week respeccing to pvp/pve when needed? And how many are ok with spending close to 50g in potions for a single prem vs prem game?

These are some of the facts, you guys hate on us because we rank up high, but it takes dedication and drive to do such a thing, we dont log in and just get honor.

But hey, if after all the people who have explained how we would really be ok with this single q system (which is blizzlike) if you removed the prem vs prem matchup (also blizzlike) and also since you dont really seem to care anymore whether your blizzlike or not, you could just remove the decay! lol

Re: Update regarding PvP

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 11:29 am
by Younie
Zukus wrote:People really think high ranks like dodging. We did what we had to do to fight the enormous decay that we and only we are subject to. We like to fight for our honor, we want to fight for our honor, but with the present system it's all about playtime instead of actually skill/dedication/spec/consumes/organization/communication.

If I am not in the top 50 of my faction i will lose my rank. In order for me to get an higher rank I need to be in the top 10 of my faction. Why oh why am I forced to compete with much lower Ranks for those spots (which they don't even need for there is a limit you know).

Revert the Prem vs Prem Q system (going back to blizzlike yay!). One Q, you'll have to fight whoever you get, no dodging everyone fights for their honor.

And last but not least, to all those who whine about the premades I shall give you a few facts:

- None of us was born in a premade: some of us have worked weeks to prove themselves worthy.
- You CAN make your own: contrary to popular belief you do not need god's "go ahead" to make a new grp
- Premades can be beaten: In no way shape or form are premades unbeatable, we lose to each other and even to pugs, we are just like you.
- Being in a premade is alot of work, we have schedules and list of consumables to obey.
- Premading is expensive: In both time and money, how many of the people whining are ok with spending 100g+ a week respeccing to pvp/pve when needed? And how many are ok with spending close to 50g in potions for a single prem vs prem game?

These are some of the facts, you guys hate on us because we rank up high, but it takes dedication and drive to do such a thing, we dont log in and just get honor.

But hey, if after all the people who have explained how we would really be ok with this single q system (which is blizzlike) if you removed the prem vs prem matchup (also blizzlike) and also since you dont really seem to care anymore whether your blizzlike or not, you could just remove the decay! lol

Maybe you should invest your gold in training the Dispel Magic spell instead of respecc?

To answer seriously your post tho.
I don't think anyone hate the rankers, it's more the system that is criticized.
Once the system is set, people do what is the best way of getting the best results.
The wintrade system was absolute bs and I don't think anyone liekd it - premade or pug.
I'm personally fine with both of the other systems (current or blizzlike). I just much prefer the current one, as I it leads to fun rather than industrial efficacity when you take the path of ranking.

Re: Update regarding PvP

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 12:21 pm
by Slicy
Flash news Zukus : Ranks and vanilla overall are about time invested.

The fact you can get outfarmed by low ranks/pugs and lose your rank/stagnate is perfectly blizzlike. Hell some even got R14 by doing AVs day and night.
If that random R5 outfarmed you, it means he invested more time and was more dedicated than you. Can you explain how is it unfair ?

System was (close to) blizzlike > Ppl abuse it (dodgemade, wintrading, etc., not saying you did, but most premades did) and make the BG situation nothing but blizzlike.
I'm sorry but 90% of the queue pops being unbalanced games in numbers for each side because of entire premades hopping from BG A to BG B didn't happen. Something was clearly fucked up.

System is now (a bit) less blizzlike > Ppl can't abuse it and BG situation is getting really good for every player, except for the very small minority that were fine with getting empty games X hours a day to get Y (industrial amount of) honor in order to get Z standing and Z' rank.

You need to realise this : the changes being made, despite not being blizzlike, aim towards fixing nothing but blizzlike situations and make them more blizzlike.
It's the experience players get in the end that needs to be this way, not the means.

Btw the current system already means no dodging and everyone fights for their honor. You already have what you're asking for basically. You just can't stand the fact that getting outfarmed by pugs/low ranks is now a risk for your well planned rank up.
Ranking up is now a competition with your entire own faction about time invested, exactly like it is meant to be. Deal with it.

Re: Update regarding PvP

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 12:48 pm
by Healthycoww
Slicy wrote:If that random R5 outfarmed you, it means he invested more time and was more dedicated than you. Can you explain how is it unfair ?

If I could premade (blizzlike) an r5 would never outfarm me.
The honor farm isn't really what bothers me, if I could stay at the head of the pack against literal floods of empty games I can stay at the head of the pack in solo queues.

What bothers me is I cannot in this system play with my friends. I'm forced to play with random people that go AFK, call me a win trader and tell me to delete my account. :mrgreen:

Re: Update regarding PvP

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:13 pm
by Slicy
Well that's another story. Some ppl manage to still play with their friends and/or old premade mates by just (manually) queuing at the same time. Not reliable but it's better than nothing or empty BGs in my opinion.

One can expect/hope the queues and games times, now being longer, and the fact you can't hop from a BG to another will make more people focus and go for the win instead of going afk.
But maybe that's too optimistic. :lol:

Re: Update regarding PvP

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 3:32 pm
by Pugger
Younie wrote:Playing in a rankmade involves close to 0 fun - exept the occasionnal prem v prem that happen once a week and in which you're not even sure one of the team won't give up early on to save time in the ranking process.
The rankmade system is not something I find fun to play in. It's not somethign I want to play in. But -if prem v pug was possible - it is a system a ranker would be forced to play in to keep up with honnor.
I did not want to rank on this server, because I know the huge population requires you to play boring rankmade to get a good standing. Ranking is a huge time investment, and if I have to play 12 hours a day, I want to actually feel like playing a game. Not to watch my druid fast cap and aoe the enemy gy.
I'm very gratefull to have a ranking system that allows rankers to have fun without taking the risk of being far behind in the honnor race.
And I'm also gratefull to have the prem v prem matching avaiable to players that are done ranking and are just looking for a good fight.
Thank you Nostalrius.

another guy with lots of pvp exp ... yer=Younie

Re: Update regarding PvP

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 3:40 pm
by Younie
Pugger wrote:
Younie wrote:Playing in a rankmade involves close to 0 fun - exept the occasionnal prem v prem that happen once a week and in which you're not even sure one of the team won't give up early on to save time in the ranking process.
The rankmade system is not something I find fun to play in. It's not somethign I want to play in. But -if prem v pug was possible - it is a system a ranker would be forced to play in to keep up with honnor.
I did not want to rank on this server, because I know the huge population requires you to play boring rankmade to get a good standing. Ranking is a huge time investment, and if I have to play 12 hours a day, I want to actually feel like playing a game. Not to watch my druid fast cap and aoe the enemy gy.
I'm very gratefull to have a ranking system that allows rankers to have fun without taking the risk of being far behind in the honnor race.
And I'm also gratefull to have the prem v prem matching avaiable to players that are done ranking and are just looking for a good fight.
Thank you Nostalrius.

another guy with lots of pvp exp ... yer=Younie

There was no PvP untill wednesday ;)
I got 60, saw there was no pvp, and quit untill it is enabled again ;)
Sorry, not everyone is "hardcore" enough to accept sitting in empty bgs for 10hours a day as a viable option. Some of us want to like play the game and stuff ;)