Dire Maul release

Nostalrius official announcements

Re: Dire Maul release

by Pesthauch » Fri May 29, 2015 11:57 am

Trailer is dope! Thanks for sharing and thank you guys for all your effort. :)
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Re: Dire Maul release

by GRUHA » Fri May 29, 2015 12:04 pm

when is release?

Re: Dire Maul release

by Unfazed » Fri May 29, 2015 2:05 pm

Fishing event coming out?
Toomuchhp - 19 Druid

Re: Dire Maul release

by detached » Fri May 29, 2015 2:13 pm

DeeMarie wrote:
Rafale wrote:When i see that i'm thinking about a little boy receiving a gift from his parents, not for his birthday, just a free lovely gift. Lets imagine a cake. The parents told the boy they gonna make a chocolate cake but they can't make it cause no chocolate in the shop yesterday. The boy is crying.

I'm thinking that little boy was promised that free lovely chocolate cake if he did a paper round for two months straight. Now his parents aren't even buying the chocolate because either they're too busy or they think he needs to do another x amount of months. But they're not even telling him this and he's not sure whether to invest any more time to get this particular cake. He's gonna need therapy when he's an adult! :p

It's not the first time communication has been an issue and that's all this is really.

yeah fuck them for putting a gun to our heads and forcing us to play on their server, damn cunts.

Re: Dire Maul release

by Cousy » Fri May 29, 2015 2:47 pm

Guybrush wrote:
Mobi wrote:@lazermon

Which items are in question; There are several ways to find the stats for items, presumably wowwiki/zam archive did not work, but you can find the earliest entry of an item and work backwards from the patch notes (though blizzard was very inconsistent to where it put the notes, almost all of them are in the Dungeons and Raids section or the Items section of patch notes), which while still incomplete are a lot more complete than not; plus there is a change log on the front page of Zam which tells you when items are added or changed. Using those tools I'm pretty sure we can establish the timeline of the missing items.

I think any item not linkable ingame using Atlas is missing. For example, Mindtap Talisman.

https://web.archive.org/web/20050411132 ... item=18371

April 11th 2005, In between DM release and 1.4 patch (which was May 5th)

Mindtap Talisman, 11 mp5

So if it's not on the loot tables, it should be.
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Re: Dire Maul release

by Mopak » Fri May 29, 2015 3:34 pm

What about warlocks mount quest?

Re: Dire Maul release

by Manaci » Fri May 29, 2015 3:41 pm

Normander01 wrote:
Lazermon wrote:To clarify for those wondering: this patch will bring dire maul and dire maul only, there will not be any additional items added to any raids this patch, and no items will be updated. In addition to that, a part (~10%) of the items that should be available in dire maul are currently not available because their old stats can't be found on the internet.

The major item update will hit along with AV in the next patch after this one, and when AV + items are out, the next thing to come will be BWL.

Source: I played on the PTR and talked with viper about it.

so how is lionheart helm out? they must have added items

It is supposed to be out already.
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Re: Dire Maul release

by Manaci » Fri May 29, 2015 4:02 pm

Mopak wrote:What about warlocks mount quest?

Might be out tomorrow.
(but I haven't heard of any testing on it so they might wait till AV release to implement it)
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Re: Dire Maul release

by Mobi » Fri May 29, 2015 4:46 pm

Lazermon wrote:@mobi

This isn't a question of whether the items should be in or not, the itemid from wowhead solved that little issue last time we had that discussion. This is an issue of not being able to find the 1.3 stats for x amount of items, as you yourself noted, you couldn't dig them up. I've tried myself too, and haven't found a way.

Nah you're confusing didn't try with couldn't find :P I hate digging threw the web archive, but the web archive usually has it somewhere. Wowhead didn't exist, so Zam is the page to look threw, and thottbot, but thottbot was poorly archived. Give some more specific examples of what you remember missing (if mindtap was one, cousy found that already)

We didn't spend much time on the loot during beta unfortunately, because as a player it's not very easy to check drop rates, so our data was all speculation, and we didn't know if the item database being used was even the one for the patch (we strongly believed it wasn't).
Last edited by Mobi on Fri May 29, 2015 5:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Dire Maul release

by nervous » Fri May 29, 2015 5:19 pm

Rafale wrote:When i see that i'm thinking about a little boy receiving a gift from his parents, not for his birthday, just a free lovely gift. Lets imagine a cake. The parents told the boy they gonna make a chocolate cake but they can't make it cause no chocolate in the shop yesterday. The boy is crying.

You are the minority part of players, which can't play a game without eating it like a cake. I hate u. Thx devs for your work. This is awesome.

Terrible analogy. F- see me after class

Pretend you're cruising on pornhub looking for some vanilla pornographic videos. It appears there is only one video uploaded, but it's got tons of views so you know it's probably gonna be good. The description even has tags that say "double-anal", "grinding", and "deepthroat", which is of course, all you're into. You've been watching those kinds of videos for years.

So you load up the video and it's just buffering. Which is cool, everyone expects buffering. About 30 minutes into buffering you load it up and it starts playing out. Great,another pizza delivery boy setup? You even recognize the actors, you've seen this setup a bunch of different times, but you continue watching because it's the double anal scene you're really interested in. After watching 10 minutes of the poorly written introduction there it is, "THERE HAS BEEN AN ERROR IN LOADING YOUR VIDEO". Well great, now you have to refresh and rebuffer the video. You could check on another site for this type of video, but the only other site has been taken down because no one uses it because this site claimed to have a really awesome cowgirl scene.

So you refresh the video and get to the part where the video crashed last time and your asshole puckers with anticipation, the dudes gonna open the door to the house and sell his big meat lovers pizza to this hot chick, and you're finally going to see the video in it's entirety.

The actor opens the door and you begin to notice that the video quality has dropped to like 240p. You can barely make out a garbled "can I pay you in some other way?" before you see the dreaded "THERE HAS BEEN AN ERROR IN LOADING YOUR VIDEO" message again.

Now at this point you're pretty frustrated. You check in the comments section to see if anyone else has commented on these problems and a few people do, but they are overshadowed by tons of other viewers saying "ITS FREE WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? ARE YOU PAYING FOR THIS?" "WHY DO YOU WANT TO SKIP THE INTRODUCTION SCENE? ITS THE BEST PART OF THE VIDEO. IF YOU GET TO THE ERROR PART JUST REWATCH THE INTRO SCENE AGAIN" and "I CAN'T BELIEVE THE ATTITUDE OF PORN WATCHERS THESE DAYS. THERE ARE OTHER PORN SITES YOU CAN VISIT AND YOU'RE FREE TO LEAVE" (knowing full well that the idea of going to another porn site with the same video and having to wait for that one to buffer when you've invested so much of your time already buffering this one is just plain stupid.)

So you get on the website's help chat or whatever and speak to a live representative about the video. "When can I expect it to be fully loaded? Or at least loaded up to the deepthroat scene?" The representative responds with a "check now :)" and you press the play button again and the pizza boy and the chick are fully clothed on the couch kissing but their faces are pixelated so you can't even enjoy that. But you know it's happening, and it's the content that matters, right?

You get back on the help chat and ask the representative for a ballparked estimate of when you can expect the stuff you actually came here to see will be available and are met with silence.

Some of us don't want to buffer that video for an unknown amount of hours just to get a dry humping scene with all of the clothes on, we have other things we would rather be wasting our time on than watching the buffer bar crawl to the right, but we would vastly prefer to watch some actual vanilla money shots.

So here we sit, blue and purple weapons in hand, until we get an answer on when we can expect the actual stuff we came here for.


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