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Re: Nostalrius t-shirt campaign

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:24 am
by Luxon
Don't let us down nostalrius, best blizzcon scenario
Shit just got real

Re: Nostalrius t-shirt campaign

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:40 am
by Tihealy
I do not know at this point. It's really annoying the way they are "avoiding" the subject... They always seem to "push-back" an answer ...

It's quite irritating in the end. But hopefully that the t=shirt campaign and other actions will help us in this war.

Also, is there a way that someone link me an image of the first t-shirt campaign that Nostalrius had?

Re: Nostalrius t-shirt campaign

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:50 am
by kutsal
This is pretty much how I looked like after reading yet another bullshit answer from Blizzard.


If they truly cared and started planning it out. They would have not giving such a shit answer and atleast mention it at the Blizzcon. Oh well, I am sad but also happy in a way because soon we might get Nost and hopefully our characters back!

Re: Nostalrius t-shirt campaign

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:59 am
by SkjipNL
Whooo, finally a normally designed t-shirt.
Was about to order 3 of em but I have to wait 2 days to re-activate my PayPal account

Anyways, can't wait to have it :D

Did they put Nostalrius back to Realmplayers?
I thought they removed Nostalrius from their databse but now I can find my old characters again from Nostalrius, which I wasn't able to before. (If I remember correctly)

Re: Nostalrius t-shirt campaign

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:11 am
by melak
SkjipNL wrote:Whooo, finally a normally designed t-shirt.
Was about to order 3 of em but I have to wait 2 days to re-activate my PayPal account

Anyways, can't wait to have it :D

Did they put Nostalrius back to Realmplayers?
I thought they removed Nostalrius from their databse but now I can find my old characters again from Nostalrius, which I wasn't able to before. (If I remember correctly)

Not sure, maybe someone else have a more reliable memory :P

Re: Nostalrius t-shirt campaign

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:14 am
by SkjipNL
Yeah, starting to really doubt it now hehe.

Re: Nostalrius t-shirt campaign

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 8:30 am
by henkebenke


Re: Nostalrius t-shirt campaign

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 8:43 am
by MasterQuaster
Well guys I told you don't hype until you know if the announcment gonna really come. I am not disappointed by Blizz because I never started expecting them to announce it.

To be honest I slowly start thinking this t-shirt campain is just a way to cash the hype cow. Viper just giving phrases like

Blizzcon is in a few days now : every end is a new beginning


As a consequence, if Blizzard doesn't make an announcement to honour their own core values, be sure that we will.

Those phrases mean nothing. They just try to hype the community. Why? Maybe they try to earn more money with the t-shirt campaign. I don't know. What do they wanna say with those phrases? "be sure that we will" They will WHAT? Release a new server? That's what the community say but not what Viper said. Maybe they talk again to Blizzard? I don't know. That phrases mean just nothing certain!!

Time to start talking true Viper! Please tell the cummunity what really happens next! Stop making those meanless phrases! That's not more worth than Blizzards "we won’t have any updates to share on that until after the show." - 1 year after the show? 10 years? The community is allready waiting for years! We deserved to hear the truth!

Don't understand why people hype meaningless phrases and talk about a new nostalrius server. There is nothing offical about it.

Re: Nostalrius t-shirt campaign

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:02 am
by St0rfan
Break from from the yoke of Corporate evil blizzard tyranny and lets form a free republic of Nostalrius within the confines of Eastern Europe!

Re: Nostalrius t-shirt campaign

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:31 am
by azamous
conspiracy thought: blizzard announces that THEY wont announce anything but inb4 nostalrius appear on BlizzCon stage and say they are now recognized by blizzard as a non-profit organisation and will relaunch

jk to good to be true