Dear community,
It has now been more than a week since our last official statement. We are aware of all the concerns and expectations that the community has for legacy servers and we wanted to update you with the current situation so that you know your voices and thoughts matter.
During the last few weeks, our team has been continuing the post-mortem analysis/writing that we have been conducting in the background since Nostalrius shutdown, plus interviews with several media outlets, and now we are also analyzing the surveys first 50,000 answers. Expect some sneak peaks of the post-mortem & survey during the following days.
As announced previously, we are also in contact with Blizzard representatives. We are excited to announce that the meeting date has been decided: it will occur at the beginning of June at Blizzard HQ, Irvine. No precise date nor schedule will be provided for security reasons, expect a report within a few days after this meeting.
Thank you for your support and insights, it is very valuable for us, especially now coming from the whole community: retail & legacy server players.
Best regards,
Nostalrius Team.