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Re: Why use downgrades spells as healer?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 4:05 pm
by grassyknoll
As well as the + to healing on gear you should also consider your healing talents. A a resto shaman for example you have both Healing Way and Ancestral's 25% armor increase procing from Healing Wave you can utilize cheaper lower rank heals to help you proc these buffs.

Re: Why use downgrades spells as healer?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 5:24 pm
by Haitharn
Like everyone else said, lower rank heals are stronger and more mana efficient than max rank heals due to your +healing from gear and talents. As a healer, leveling up I used max level because that was the most efficient. Upon level 60, or whenever you get a few pieces with +healing, you should start down ranking. My setup is

1. r9 Renew 2. r3 Heal 3. r1 Greater Heal 4. r4(5 come AQ) Greater Heal 5. r7 Flash Heal

This way I can always put renew up on targets easily, and same with r3 Heal. <-- filer healer. I only use r4 GHeal to max out a tank, and r7 Flash heal if they need heals FAST.

Re: Why use downgrades spells as healer?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 5:29 am
by nessåj
Not sure was the same in vanilla but in BC it was
A spell use 100% of bonus healing at 3.5sec cast

So a spell with 1.5sec use 1.5/3.5 = 42% of bonus heal.

So if you have 1k bonus healing, using a spell 1.5s doing for example 200 base heal, it will add it 420 heal doing a 620 heal.
You have to use the initial cast time if you have a 2s spell who become 1.5s cast time cause -0.5s in spec, use 2/3.5 (mean 57 % instead 42%).

Re: Why use downgrades spells as healer?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 1:02 am
by gotmilk0112
Mimma wrote:One word: Overhealing

Another word: Mana

Downranking is both to prevent overheal AND to conserve mana. Because the biggest challenge of vanilla healing, at lower gear levels at least, is mana. Max rank Greater Heal will cost like 8% of your mana at lower gear levels, so you use lower ranks to not OOM yourself immediately.

Re: Why use downgrades spells as healer?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:25 pm
by Sylvant
I did not read all comments and its quite possible you got the correct answer, but what i read is only players repeating what they heard/read somewhere without actually understanding downranking entirely. The same players that kept advising you to downrank heals.
First of all, Munzwurf has good points and his thoughts are in the right direction. Ppl that hurry with keywords obviously didnt read his topic content and "overhealing" and "mana"(efficiency) are invalid for his case.
Low level healers(lvl 20 in particular) have almost no use for downranking, unless they need to make sure their target is constantly topped. Like Munzwurf already said, higher ranks have higher base HPM factor. Not only they will give you more healing for less mana, but you can also make use of the mp5 rule at best. IN a perfect world you can cast a 3sec heal for example, wait 2 seconds, then queue another heal, this will give you an out of casting reg tick in between. Nonetheless the only way to keep tank alive at low levels, is using the strongest heals you posses. E. g. using r2 lesser heal will barely cover single hit of a monster. R3 could help you keep your target topped, but at the cost of worsе mana sustain. Using Heal r1 however, gives the most reliable healing, at a cheaper mana price, reduced even further if you have the chance to make use of the mp5 trick. Not to forget flash heal, does reliable healing amount, beats even Heal in terms of HPS and has hpm on par with most of them, where the difference is so low, that will barely be a factor in 100 casts.
The core about downranking is related to spells coefficient(how they scale of bonus healing). If you have none, which is likely to be the case at low level, there is no benefit of downranking. Having good amount of bonus healing makes lower ranks which have good coefficients reach a very high HPM. Obviously this becomes true later in game. At very high healing bonus, its possible to use rank 4, or even rank3 strong heals, which have a shorter casting time(the case with druids, which dont have a reliable fast heal). However you cant go all the way to earliest heals ranks, because additional penalties to spell coefficients applies.
Avoid overhealing is an obvious addition to downranking and i dont think its needed to discuss. The idea is clear to everyone- if your target requires 800 damage recovery, but your highest rank heal does 1500, you want to use a lower rank, which is closer to 800 amount, to save mana.

Re: Why use downgrades spells as healer?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:20 pm
by kovenant
what I saw and encountered during my old raid days as a holy paladin.

paladins use 2-3 flash heal lvls.
fully buffed and with the good gear a paladin can flash heal a MT so it takes away the top of the iceberg effectively extending the HP pool of a MT due to the fast & constant flow of flash heals.
due to the low cost & fast cast time this is very effective.
you can not outheal the DPS on a MT, for that a druid / priest is needed or a pala with normal heals only those eat up the mana.

if I was on MT duty, fully buffed I could flash heal spam for like 5 minutes non-stop.
depending on the rotations used & boss ability's I used the top 3 ranks of the spell and flash heal the shit out of the MT.