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Re: Top 3 best classes/specs vs. Warlock in PvP?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 4:21 am
by gotmilk0112
"Viper sting -> run your ass around" is the strategy against all casters, as a hunter. :P

Re: Top 3 best classes/specs vs. Warlock in PvP?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:55 pm
by smilkovpetko
Reckbomb Paladin = top 1 vs Warlock.

Re: Top 3 best classes/specs vs. Warlock in PvP?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:49 pm
by Numi
The Shortest Path wrote:Rogue can kill warlock from stealth fairly easily, assuming the warlock doesn't have a voidwalker or succubus out already to either sac or cc the rogue. Otherwise the warlock has zero opportunities to act before they're dead.

If they're equal on gear and skill the warlock should win.

There's two warlock specs in pvp, SL / SB and Destro burst, destro burst runs succubuss so you're locked in a 10 sec sleep the second you open, letting the warlock get of an entire burst chain and resleeping you before you can do anything.

SL / SB jsut eats rogues, tanky as fk and aids dots destroy them.

I haven't played any good shamans so far, especially not in 1v1, but I really don't see them winning. When I can CC lock a 6k hp druid to death I don't see how a shaman, who has 1 school of spells to use, could ever get close to beat a warlock, wand the tremor / grounding totems and call GG when dots are up.

The video linked earlier is a warlock in destro spec, which is much weaker than the standard SL / SB versus shamans.

Re: Top 3 best classes/specs vs. Warlock in PvP?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 11:17 pm
by smilkovpetko

Re: Top 3 best classes/specs vs. Warlock in PvP?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:35 am
by Setup
titsmcgeee wrote:
The Shortest Path wrote:Rogue can kill warlock from stealth fairly easily, assuming the warlock doesn't have a voidwalker or succubus out already to either sac or cc the rogue. Otherwise the warlock has zero opportunities to act before they're dead.

i never lose to rogue. hunter is the best class vs warlock straight up. viper sting and run your stupid ass around

Rogues eat warlocks, just not at the tier 1 gear level.

Re: Top 3 best classes/specs vs. Warlock in PvP?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:21 am
by The Shortest Path
Numi wrote:
The Shortest Path wrote:Rogue can kill warlock from stealth fairly easily, assuming the warlock doesn't have a voidwalker or succubus out already to either sac or cc the rogue. Otherwise the warlock has zero opportunities to act before they're dead.

If they're equal on gear and skill the warlock should win.

There's two warlock specs in pvp, SL / SB and Destro burst, destro burst runs succubuss so you're locked in a 10 sec sleep the second you open, letting the warlock get of an entire burst chain and resleeping you before you can do anything.

SL / SB jsut eats rogues, tanky as fk and aids dots destroy them.

I haven't played any good shamans so far, especially not in 1v1, but I really don't see them winning. When I can CC lock a 6k hp druid to death I don't see how a shaman, who has 1 school of spells to use, could ever get close to beat a warlock, wand the tremor / grounding totems and call GG when dots are up.

The video linked earlier is a warlock in destro spec, which is much weaker than the standard SL / SB versus shamans.

You have both trinket and WotF for the two sleeps so it's not exactly reliable. Also blade flurry, assuming the warlock isn't standing around prepped to camp a rogue open with the succubus parked at max range. It really depends on who gets the jump and how, I suppose.

Re: Top 3 best classes/specs vs. Warlock in PvP?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 5:38 pm
by diogenes
Numi wrote:If they're equal on gear and skill the warlock should win.

There's two warlock specs in pvp, SL / SB and Destro burst, destro burst runs succubuss so you're locked in a 10 sec sleep the second you open, letting the warlock get of an entire burst chain and resleeping you before you can do anything.

Its kind of funny, because this exact argument is made in world of roguecraft and shown how absolutely silly this argument is. Any rogue who attacks a lock without his pvp trinket equipped doesn't understand the match up. So it goes like this rogue opens so seduce-->pvp trinket--->vanish---->sap lock --->kill succubus rogue wins gg.

SL / SB jsut eats rogues, tanky as fk and aids dots destroy them.

Its true, SL is a great spec and by far the best spec against rogues, but it largely suffers from the same problem, only its a bit worse because the rogue can actually open on your pet since felhunter isn't invis. sap lock--->kill felhunter--->stunlock for gg.

Honestly, a rogue who loses to a lock either made some mistakes, is incredibly out geared, or just doesn't understand how to play his class and the strengths/weaknesses of warlocks. I play SL and generally have no problem against rogues, but they also never sap me and kill my pet. If they did that, they'd have a much more significant chance of killing me in a stunlock. If I happen to survive i can deathcoil and fear, but their pvp trinket is up, pvp trinket-->cast fear--->sprint--->kick fear. Its a bit random as to whether or not they can get to you in time to kick the fear, but point is if you're not ever losing to a rogue as a lock, then you're fighting some pretty bad rogues who dont know what they're doing.

Now if you happen to survive the stunlock as destro, then you deathcoil ---> fear and rogue can't pop pvp trinket. However, since seduce and fear are on the same DRs he has only a 10 sec fear and then a 5 sec fear. Possibly enough time to kill him but you got to remember, he's at full health. You can try bursting him down, but then you're likely to break fear, so if you dont get crits, you're likely to end up finished off in another stunlock. Additionally, a 10 sec fear and a 5 sec fear is probably not long enough to let dots kill the rogue so. Ultimately, again rogue v warlock comes down to significant random luck.

But the key is killing the warlock pet, which i see very few rogues do, and those are the ones who truly understand what the matchup is like.

Additionally, lets not forget, there's absolutely nothing to keep the rogue sprinting and running away to restart the fight unless you keep him chain cc'ed the whole fight after deathcoil--->fear--->pvp trinket just to restart the fight while you have deathcoil on cooldown.

I'm not saying rogue v lock is impossible. Its not as hard as warrior v mage, but its definitely one of the most difficult match ups.

The Shortest Path wrote: It really depends on who gets the jump and how, I suppose.

And since the rogue has stealth, he always gets the jump.

Assuming 1v1 and all cooldowns are up. A rogue should beat literally every single class (barring 1 or 2 exceptions that just aren't viable against any other matchup other than rogue such as a druid stacking return damage items ect).

Re: Top 3 best classes/specs vs. Warlock in PvP?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:19 pm
by Aethelwulf
Kramer wrote:Unfortunately we will play Alliance, so shamans and undeads are out. :(

What about rogue, hunter or shadowpriest?

Rogue probably. Stunlock him from stealth and make sure to get a PvP trinket. Then again in a duel if he's human he can just use Perception to get the drop on you.

The Shortest Path wrote:Rogue can kill warlock from stealth fairly easily, assuming the warlock doesn't have a voidwalker or succubus out already to either sac or cc the rogue.

Voidwalker Shield might do something, assuming he doesn't have a good sap on you that lets him wait it out or enough cooldowns/damage to power through your cloth-armored ass anyway. For the most part, however, I imagine the Rogue will just sap you, kill your pet (hit sacrifice), and get back to his combo. In the VW case, possibly sapping you twice to negate your shield. As for the Succubus, Rogue saps you. Suc seduces Rogue. Rogue trinkets out of Seduce. Rogue kills Succubus while you're sapped. Either way, Rogue initiates on you again now that you are down a pet and proceeds to stunlock you to death.

Re: Top 3 best classes/specs vs. Warlock in PvP?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:28 pm
by Theloras
smilkovpetko wrote:Reckbomb Paladin = top 1 vs Warlock.



Re: Top 3 best classes/specs vs. Warlock in PvP?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 3:58 am
by titsmcgeee
death coil resist is the only chance a rogue has at beating a warlock, sorry rogues