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Re: Prot Paladin vs Prot Warrior single target threat debate

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 8:52 pm
by Dr. Doom
Ok then, paladin best tank. Nothing a warrior can do will ever match a paladin.

Anything else you'd like to hear?

Re: Prot Paladin vs Prot Warrior single target threat debate

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 8:59 pm
by Taladril
So you wanna gloss over druids as being the best scaled single target threat of all tanks then huh?

Re: Prot Paladin vs Prot Warrior single target threat debate

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 9:06 pm
by Dr. Doom
I guess Horde really is very screwed due to not having the number 1 and best class in the game.

Maybe I should link this thread to Muhsoginy, proves his/her point. Paladins are best healers, best dispellers, best tanks, following theloras they're also the best dps as retri too. I wonder why Blizzard bothered with designing other classes.

Re: Prot Paladin vs Prot Warrior single target threat debate

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 10:15 pm
by Theloras
Dr. Doom wrote:I guess Horde really is very screwed due to not having the number 1 and best class in the game.

Maybe I should link this thread to Muhsoginy, proves his/her point. Paladins are best healers, best dispellers, best tanks, following theloras they're also the best dps as retri too. I wonder why Blizzard bothered with designing other classes.


I have never said any of those things...the only thing that I have previously said with 100% concrete authority is that Paladins are the best AoE tanks in the game.

Now, after my own personal observation I can also say with authority that Paladins are also the top single target threat producers in the game. That is not the same as saying that we are better tanks.

The argument in the thread below specifically addressed at long length the debate between Paladin vs Warrior single target threat:


As far as Ret and our DPS in raids, i've never said it's number one but we are viable and in the middle of the pack given equal levels of gear/skill (8th to 12th place on average).

As far as PvP goes, a Reck spec Paladin has the deadliest melee attack in the game with a Reck Bomb.

As far as healing goes, Holy Paladins are the best MT single target healers in the game but fall behind in raid/aoe healing however.

Stop spreading lies and disinformation.

Re: Prot Paladin vs Prot Warrior single target threat debate

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 10:19 pm
by Theloras
Taladril wrote:So you wanna gloss over druids as being the best scaled single target threat of all tanks then huh?

If you are able to proc the Druid equivalent of 10,000+ Judgement of Light ticks and nearly 1,200 AoE group heals without spending any mana, energy or effort in a single Molten Core run while also tanking, then I will give you a /cookie

Oh wait, you don't have either of those...

Re: Prot Paladin vs Prot Warrior single target threat debate

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 10:41 pm
by Requake

Re: Prot Paladin vs Prot Warrior single target threat debate

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 10:56 pm
by Dr. Doom
Taladril wrote:So you wanna gloss over druids as being the best scaled single target threat of all tanks then huh?

Interesting comment, so let's add it to this thread's info and get the new results.

AoE threat: Paladin > Druid/Warrior
Single threat: Paladin/Druid > Warrior.

Re: Prot Paladin vs Prot Warrior single target threat debate

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:35 pm
by Undertanker
"best dispellers" This is fact.

Lowest mana cost and remove 3 spells compared to a priest 1.

You may be sick of the Theo and Smilk with their Pally love, as they have been known to high-jack many threads for it. I'm not poking the bear here when pointing out class strengths, it is just fact.

While his setup does great threat if you are in a melee group, this setup only covers 1 of the 2 jobs of tanking. The threat. 8/8 banana boat set doesn't help much with damage reduction. As well being in a melee group doesn't provide the buffs received from being in a warlock, shammy/pally, shadow priest group setup, further gimping tank stats.

That being said, there is a time and place for everything, in regards to practical application, while very limited overall when this is best used it is a neat trick that would make for some interesting 5 man tanking in a fury/rogue heavy group.

Use the 8/8, getting ZG enchants for def, and all non tier pieces use +def items, as you wouldn't need much +SP for the threat due to your primary threat being from healing procs + and judgement.

I will note and Theo and Smilk have refrained from the thread hi-jacking wall of text they got a rep for. Instead he has created a thread of his own for what he wanted to point out, while this was a more fun fact / shits and giggles that may have been taken too seriously by others.

At some point it starts becoming head-hunting towards them due to past post that are not as popular.

Do I agree with everything, no. But that applied to all post.

Can they Ret in Naxx? Yes but requires a very specific set of gear and that the server allows certain co-efficient of abilities with + damage to be shown in the top 10. (topic better in anther thread)

Can a Prot pally tank? We know they can, and we've discussed what they excel at (AoE) what they are weak at (keeping crushings off the table & oh shit buttons), and what bosses they have to adjust a strat if something isn't tauntable.

Best dispeller? There is a reason pallys are assigned this job on Chromag and not Druid/Priest.

As for healing, I never say any one class is best. Having a mix of classes healing the same target is best. Different hots, buff procs, big heals incoming on one class while another is tagging a lot of small consistent heals to avoid spikes.

Back to topic, all things have some type of application. While this is a rare setup to use, it is still fun and think this was an information share. I know of a really cool setup for rogues stacking all the chance on hit items as possible for swords and blow up damage meters, and I can't get anybody to try it out. At least he is being creative in mindless content while effective at the same time - bet no melee in his golemag group died which is the only dangerous thing to that fight if you are trying to preserve buffs for a decent total clear time.

One more thing - Druids are squishiest of all, rip them first. They can taunt (which is only half bosses needed), but they can't avoid getting crit/crushed ever. So YAY more HP, but you are getting hit for 1.5x or 2x as much A LOT, with only about 3% more damage reduction to armor compared to me when I'm fully buffed.

Re: Prot Paladin vs Prot Warrior single target threat debate

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:39 pm
by Theloras
Just to clarify - I wasn't implying that a Prot Paladin should tank 40man raids in 8/8 Tier 1 Lawbringer - it's merely an interesting mechanic to use in raids as I DPS as Ret spec.

But if a Prot Paladin in full tanking gear puts up Judgement of Light however, then his +threat generation will absolutely destroy a similar geared Prot Warrior in single target threat.

Re: Prot Paladin vs Prot Warrior single target threat debate

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 9:51 am
by Wargly13
Sorry but Judgement of light not generating threat and your set is healing only party as it says. +Link you gave is a spell which didnt exist in vanilla actually. If you think that you can generate enough threat then tank whole MC as Paladin and post video.