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Re: Tanking

by JCarrill0 » Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:31 pm

I have love for Druids too, on another server, we had a Druid as our main tank for 20 mans. Simply did awesome, and for awhile no tank could do better. (I will add we have population issues since it was an insta-60 server.)
Our bear tank did an awesome job, but like all bears, they always wanted to do other things and eventually went boomkin. The advantages of druid roles are amazing. they can tank, heals, melee & Caster Dps.

PS- thanks for the support theo, get to 60, I'm still waiting for the guide :P
JCarrillo - Highlord of <Heroes of Terenas>
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Re: Tanking

by Theloras » Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:50 pm

JCarrill0 wrote:
PS- thanks for the support theo, get to 60, I'm still waiting for the guide :P

Will have to wait a while I'm afraid - heading to Hawaii tonight to shoot aerial footage over the next two weeks so I won't be playing while I'm there :P

Re: Tanking

by smilkovpetko » Thu Jun 11, 2015 8:07 pm

Theloras you kinda forgot me :) and on that video cysthen doing terrible agro it makes me shame when i see his threats . ;)

Who says that Paladin Can't Maintank Bosses on Highend?! :)





And Hello Theloras ;) you gotta try my Pve Ret theory . It work like mother in law on raids to top all these meters and show them real face of retri pve paladin!.

Currently some kid hijack the same name of my nickname for trolling purposes so i had to create different name.

Cheers and hello <3 Killerduki
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Re: Tanking

by JCarrill0 » Fri Jun 12, 2015 3:52 pm

smilkovpetko wrote:Cheers and hello <3 Killerduki

*Facepalm* Just when me and Theo thought it was safe to go outside.
Welcome to nost Duki, help out the Paladin forums please!

Also +1 for the vids!
JCarrillo - Highlord of <Heroes of Terenas>
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Re: Tanking

by smilkovpetko » Fri Jun 12, 2015 9:41 pm

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i5taND1xbw - Kiting and killing scourge event as prot paladin

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPeUCinVckA - Kiting and killing scourge event as prot paladin

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXV1lqIJr9w - 1st Boss BWL most easy as prot paladin when damage dealers have problem killing Dragons.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1_YEl0Yp8I - Naxx Tanking as Prot paladin

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Re: Tanking

by skitszo » Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:58 am

If you want to be a unique snowflake then level a true tank mitigation spec and actually help the healer look good in the dungeons. There are so many bad situations with over pulled groups that would be wipes with dps spec tanks that a true protection mitigation spec can handle and actually save the wipe.

Re: Tanking

by MebeeIWill » Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:48 am

Paladins can't taunt

Re: Tanking

by Grinde » Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:21 am

I've actually had a total lack of time and never got really rolling with my characters here. I think I am going to go prot warrior. Not sure on race yet or faction... Having said that, is leveling going to be a total nightmare?

And I'm a big fan of gnomes in these games... Is a gnome warrior a total no no?
Justyce - 7 Dwarf Palatank

Re: Tanking

by St0rfan » Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:36 pm

JCarrill0 wrote:I have love for Druids too, on another server, we had a Druid as our main tank for 20 mans. Simply did awesome, and for awhile no tank could do better. (I will add we have population issues since it was an insta-60 server.)
Our bear tank did an awesome job, but like all bears, they always wanted to do other things and eventually went boomkin. The advantages of druid roles are amazing. they can tank, heals, melee & Caster Dps.

PS- thanks for the support theo, get to 60, I'm still waiting for the guide :P

Druids are indeed a Jack of all Trades - Apprentice in many, though master in none that is :D
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Re: Tanking

by MebeeIWill » Fri Jul 10, 2015 4:01 pm

Grinde wrote:I've actually had a total lack of time and never got really rolling with my characters here. I think I am going to go prot warrior. Not sure on race yet or faction... Having said that, is leveling going to be a total nightmare?

And I'm a big fan of gnomes in these games... Is a gnome warrior a total no no?

Gnomes are great... tanking on ally side they have probably the worst racials of the bunch... but the advantages are all fairly negligible in the grand scheme of things as far as tanks are concerned.

Levelings a bitch... I'd suggest you level 2handed fury spec and keep a nice sheild and 1h on you, because even in fury spec you will be capable of tanking pretty much every dungeon before level 60 where you can respec


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