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Re: Least played class?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 7:20 pm
by zmandude24
razgrim wrote:It was always the least popular class, until Blizz made it so easy in Pandaland that an educated cat could outdps you on a destro.

Did they spam shadowbolt for you in Pandaland? I don't see how a one button rotation can get any easier.

Re: Least played class?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:52 pm
by Botmaster5
Rouges and Warriors are the kings of raid boss DPS, anyone who says otherwise is deluding themselves.

Warlocks really have it bad right now for 2 really big reasons, we have no built in +HIT or threat reduction in our kit. DS/Ruin is the heads and shoulders best raid spec for us currently, and with that comes spamming nothing but SB, which can be boring. Right now, DS/Ruin 'locks are sitting at 17% miss/resist against lvl 63 raid bosses. It is very frustrating to see as many "RESISTS" as we do. And it will stay like this until patch 1.7 and ZG, where we will finally get our bloodvine set and some much needed +hit spell gear.

Locks will be back on top when we get some +hit gear... just wait and see

Re: Least played class?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:51 pm
by Zaft
Botmaster5 wrote:Rouges and Warriors are the kings of raid boss DPS, anyone who says otherwise is deluding themselves.

Warlocks really have it bad right now for 2 really big reasons, we have no built in +HIT or threat reduction in our kit. DS/Ruin is the heads and shoulders best raid spec for us currently, and with that comes spamming nothing but SB, which can be boring. Right now, DS/Ruin 'locks are sitting at 17% miss/resist against lvl 63 raid bosses. It is very frustrating to see as many "RESISTS" as we do. And it will stay like this until patch 1.7 and ZG, where we will finally get our bloodvine set and some much needed +hit spell gear.

Locks will be back on top when we get some +hit gear... just wait and see

Once you get Neff Tear it will increase your dps by a ton.

Re: Least played class?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 5:56 pm
by Botmaster5
Zaft wrote:Once you get Neff Tear it will increase your dps by a ton.

i hope my guild gives priority to our locks

Re: Least played class?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 5:59 pm
by Viorus
Druid, hands down. They are the most hybrid / least specialized class.

Re: Least played class?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:47 pm
by Sham
riq and snog wrote:Warlock is just boring to play and at certain gear lvl sl specced... u kill all 1v 1 really... but u get bored... all u do is run dot shadowburn and spam sb when not foccussed -and fear on a healer.
Its mindnumbingly boring to play.

To each their own. For me warlock is by far the most fun class to play in vanilla. While enhancement shaman and retri pal are most boring