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Least played class?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:55 pm
by Wolfrig
Hello all.

I am new to this server, but not to vanilla. I would just like to know which class (or what classes) are the least played on this server on both alliance and horde. I would like to know which class could make it easier for me to find a raid spot later in the game.

Thank you all!

Re: Least played class?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 6:59 pm
by venven
Druid & lock judging by this thread:
Noxm wrote:its incredible²²².. but delay²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²

Sunday 31 mai 10 pm Server Time :

Total : 9009 Players Online
4527 Horde / 4482 Alliance
50.3% Horde / 49.7% Alliance



Level 60 : 876 Horde / 700 Alliance
55,6% horde / 44,4% Alliance



Re: Least played class?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 7:17 pm
by Wolfrig
Thank you for your quick reply. Druids were underplayed on feenix as well, but do you have any idea why warlocks are so underpopulated? Aren't they supposed to be good in pvp and top dmg charts in PvE?

Re: Least played class?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 4:08 pm
by Grogesh
I thought Rogues and Warriors topped DPS charts?

Re: Least played class?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:13 pm
by Bioness
If you only want a raid spot roll a Dwarf Priest, otherwise play what you like and don't worry about what is needed as more than likely you will always find a guild looking for certain classes (except rogue, fuck that class).

Wolfrig wrote:Thank you for your quick reply. Druids were underplayed on feenix as well, but do you have any idea why warlocks are so underpopulated? Aren't they supposed to be good in pvp and top dmg charts in PvE?

More than likely it is because Warlocks are stuck with shadowbolt spam because of the debuff limit and that is a turn off for many players.

Grogesh wrote:I thought Rogues and Warriors topped DPS charts?

Rogues, Warriors, Mages, and Warlocks tend to be around the same level throughout vanilla. They might fluctuate a bit depending on the tier, but otherwise they are the same. The exception might be warriors who become really overpowered with Naxxaramas level gear.

Re: Least played class?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:23 pm
by Grogesh
Nice to see another fan of Paranoia Agent on this forum, Bioness :)

Re: Least played class?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:28 pm
by Bioness
Grogesh wrote:Nice to see another fan of Paranoia Agent on this forum, Bioness :)


Re: Least played class?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 6:49 pm
by razgrim
I've collected the same data seen above. Druids and Warlocks are the lowest.

Druids, really don't know why they're so underplayed, when they used to be high in Retail. Maybe it's something to do with the jack of all, master of none approach?
Bear isn't a raid tank. -> roll warr.
Cat is a watered down rogue. -> roll rogue.
Resto is a great healer, but because they don't have a standard res, they're going to have popularity issues in 5 mans. -> roll priest.
Druid would work well for undecided people, but most people on this server tend to be MMO veterans, and not the undecided type.

As for Warlocks, warlocks are excellent dps, excellent PvP, hella fun to play. They have the best raid utility in the game, I always LOVE having a lock in group, if just for the summons and soulstones.
It was always the least popular class, until Blizz made it so easy in Pandaland that an educated cat could outdps you on a destro. My first and favorite class, don't know why it was so unpopular. Perhaps the dark role doesn't appeal to some? Warlock isn't a very traditional class, fairly original to WoW. It's kinda like a hybrid between hunter and mage, so people tend to go either way, but not the middle, which is a shame. Someone else would have to explain a Warlocks lack of appeal.

Re: Least played class?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 7:54 pm
by riq and snog
Warlock is just boring to play and at certain gear lvl sl specced... u kill all 1v 1 really... but u get bored... all u do is run dot shadowburn and spam sb when not foccussed -and fear on a healer.
Its mindnumbingly boring to play.

Re: Least played class?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 8:53 am
by Serak
razgrim wrote:I've collected the same data seen above. Druids and Warlocks are the lowest.

Druids, really don't know why they're so underplayed, when they used to be high in Retail. Maybe it's something to do with the jack of all, master of none approach?
Bear isn't a raid tank. -> roll warr.
Cat is a watered down rogue. -> roll rogue.
Resto is a great healer, but because they don't have a standard res, they're going to have popularity issues in 5 mans. -> roll priest.
Druid would work well for undecided people, but most people on this server tend to be MMO veterans, and not the undecided type.

Druids are atrocious to level up, that's probably why...