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Game mechanic punishable with perma ban

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:18 pm
by calistro
Hi , 3 weeks ago i got an perma ban for using game mechanics to change location of dusty tome with enter exit instance until you get tome in. a location you can loot it this also apply to chests in any other instance , you get 5 chest / tomes per hour because tome disapear after you loot it and you must do instance reset, etc bla bla bla this aint the point .
The point is out of all people i know doing this and keep doing this right now why am i the only one banned and i report people to gm and got answer "thank you for your report, we will investigate" and nothing hapen ? and i told to gm even the day and the hours between which players did what i did which is quite good detail and helps out with investigation , as that aint enough i see all the people i knew doing this keep going on + many new ones , so if this is considered bug or game mechanics clever use whatever you want i dont care how you call it , why is it only me who got banned ? you got no escuse i gave lists of people who learn from me and others who found it by themshelfs and nothing hapen.

Re: Game mechanic punishable with perma ban

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:44 am
by Argionelite
At least use correct grammar and spelling...

Re: Game mechanic punishable with perma ban

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:47 am
by Aunstic
Stop crying and get over it. Same gave you the replies you weren't looking for and ended the situation. Also, snitching is the same as crying.

Snitches get stitches.
Same wrote:
E - Permanent ban.: Most serious sanction. Permanent bans are rare but definitive. This sanction is applied in case of multiple violations of the rules, or after multiple account interruption, as well as any of the following:


Using any botting program;
Abuse of major in-game bugs;
Possession of any item(s) obtained with illegal methods;
Any client modification (libraries, executables, MPQ, etc.);
Revealing the identity of a Nostalrius Begins staff member;
Advertising for other private servers or gold selling websites;
Selling/Buying accounts, gold, items or any ingame services with real money;
Publishing a software, methods or articles on cheating which can be applied on the server.

Check the bold. I am saving you time and hope that you will get your account back because that will never happen. This is also a warning to other players, this is considered an exploit and you will be banned for it.


Re: Game mechanic punishable with perma ban

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:49 am
by Ohr
How is resetting an instance a bug/exploit? If it is then every UBRS Jed ID run should be banned too. I never even thought that you could use resets just like jed id to get dusty tomes. Well thanks to this thread I wont do it now for fear of getting banned for playing the game as intended.

I want a GM response now. Is using /script ResetInstances() bannable or not? If it is, just block the command server-side.

Re: Game mechanic punishable with perma ban

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:25 pm
by Chester
Ohr wrote:How is resetting an instance a bug/exploit? If it is then every UBRS Jed ID run should be banned too. I never even thought that you could use resets just like jed id to get dusty tomes. Well thanks to this thread I wont do it now for fear of getting banned for playing the game as intended.

I want a GM response now. Is using /script ResetInstances() bannable or not? If it is, just block the command server-side.

I'm thinking there's a bit more to it than what the OP posted.

Re: Game mechanic punishable with perma ban

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:27 pm
by Ohr
I mean there has to be! Walking in, checking if book spawned, walking out, doing a script resetinstances() and trying again can not be bannable. I'm afraid to try it myself now, though sounds like an awesome idea.

Re: Game mechanic punishable with perma ban

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:33 pm
by r00ty
I think the questions (to me at least) that need to be answered are:

1: Is this the plain reason for the ban?
If yes then:
2: Was this possible on retail vanilla?
If no then:
3: What mechanic prevented this from being possible?

Then there's a simple course of action. If you could do this on retail classic then, it should be allowed here, no? If not, then there's probably something to look into implementing (to prevent it) and in the meantime post some guidelines about what is and isn't acceptable (or at least warn before banning).

Just my thoughts on the subject.

Re: Game mechanic punishable with perma ban

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:41 pm
by Quatih1
Where do the Dusty tomes spawn? I've been trying to search the webs but I find very inconsistent data.