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Dps or Healing

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:15 am
by Yelmirb
Title says it all, trying to decide whether i should go for dps or healing for my first char. I never really got to any high level content when i briefly played wow way long ago. I think i can kinda guess what dps is like from what i've read in the guides but i have no idea what healing in this game is like. Could someone who enjoys healing tell me what it's like and why they enjoy it? same for dps. Thanks.

Re: Dps or Healing

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:27 pm
by Undertanker
Healing, counter active and reactive. Requires conservation, situational awareness, and more product knowledge.

DPS can take a learn as you go approach, and when they ignore propper machanic / positioning, simply blame healers for not carrying them, which those types never learn. Responsibility of dps is much lower, and until zg/aq 20, they wont wipe a raid for being hurr durr.

If end game assurance is the deciding factor, druid healer is always sought after as they are more rare.

Re: Dps or Healing

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:06 pm
by Armilus
Are you planning to get into raiding or just do 5man instances?

When it comes to raiding, DPS is usually very competitive even within a guild, everyone is trying to top the damage meters. For healers there is some competition but it's more of a team effort.

As DPS you're usually trying to run a perfect rotation (using the correct skills in the right order) where as healers really benefit from fast reaction times. Healers are constantly hitting different targets and making snap decisions on what spell to use (slow casting but efficient, fast cast but uses lots of mana or instant cast 'oh shit' buttons).

I like healing in vanilla wow because I prefer working as a team over competing with each other and some fights are really crazy with how fast you have to react.

If you aren't planning to raid then healing can get boring. 5man instances are challenging when you first hit level 60 but once you get decent gear it can get boring. There is a limit to how much healing is needed in 5man instances, once it's easy to keep up there isn't really anywhere to go from there. For DPS there is always room for improvement.

If you like PvP, then healers are basically tanks because the other team will always go after you first.