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Re: Picking a DPS

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 3:02 pm
by zmandude24
St0rfan wrote:
DrearyYew wrote:That's not true considering there are plenty of Rets, Enhance, and MS Warriors raiding. You won't be in a hardcore guild, no, but you'll find a raid spot if you prove your worth and provide decent numbers.

There's a difference between viable and optimal, which is something people on this server seem to forget. Rets, Enhance, and MS aren't optimal, but they definitely are viable.

The only classes not even viable are Boomkin and Elemental.

Optimal: Rogue, Mage, Warrior, Warlock, Hunter (Nightfall/Trueshot Aura), Spriest (only 1)

Viable: Ret, Enhance, MS, Feral, Hunter

Non-Viable: Boomkin, Elemental, Spriest (after the 1st)

To OP: If your friend is playing Holy Paladin, you will have a lot of fun with him as a Warrior. Spec Fury for PvE, and Arms for PvP.

Telling people they can play retri/enhance/MS warrior for raids is like telling your kid they can be an astronaut.

I got a good laugh out of that one, but he listed those as viable and not optimal, meaning you won't take those ideally but they won't be completely deadweight.

Re: Picking a DPS

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 5:39 pm
by Stumps
St0rfan wrote:Telling people they can play retri/enhance/MS warrior for raids is like telling your kid they can be an astronaut.

Implying that people have to min/max with no room for less optimal specs on a vanilla legacy realm is even more ridiculous. For crying out loud, Vanilla was famous for being able to carry multiple people who might as well be asleep for all they were capable of contributing! It's the equivalent of the morons on live who made itemlevel a way for people to judge who had skillz!
People are here for nostalgia. Plenty of guilds cleared Nefarian with your so-called unfeasible specs...we had 2 arms warriors on the server first Nefarian kill. Beyond T2 it may get a bit more critical but since AQ is only just in the pipeline on the PVP realm and not remotely imminent on PVE, it's hard to see where you and the other elitists are coming from, much less why you enforce your crazy ideals on others. How about you simply enjoy the game, enjoy the game for what it was, play it the way it was and not the way the game is now.

Re: Picking a DPS

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:33 pm
by kanem
thenuclearwalrus wrote:Enhance shamans actually have a place in raids as a nightfall user to buff caster dps.

This is a spot you can get in most horde guilds. Granted they only need one. But, nightfall roll can also be filled by a hunter or offtank with hamstring and rage reduction gear.