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Whats the best classes for dungeons?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 8:42 am
by earelith
Ok, i hate to ask, cause i am not fun of "best class" questions either, but now i will shamelessly make an exception :) because leveling in vanilla requires to invest lot of time and i will hate to make the wrong decision...

Depending on roles, what do you consider the "best" classes for dungeon play during leveling and endgame? I am interested in all roles... I am willing to play 1 tank, 1 heal and 1 dps..

To be honest, i have already have chosen paladin to be my tank..but still would like to hear for tank roles too.

What do you think? Whats the pros and cons of the classes for the role they play in groups?

Re: Whats the best classes for dungeons?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 8:52 am
by smilkovpetko
Tank = Protection Paladin for 5 man dungeons , AoE , Fast,Smooth and Easy .
Healer = Druid
Range DPS = Mage
Melee DPS = Retribution Paladin,Fury Warrior or Feral Druid (cat)

This is my recommendations for 5 man


Re: Whats the best classes for dungeons?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:04 am
by earelith
Thanks for answering... I thought druids are not chosen for dungeon healing because they dont have ooc resurection.. Also is feral druid better than a rogue as dps? Maybe because he can off-tank and off-heal if needed?

Re: Whats the best classes for dungeons?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 1:04 pm
by smilkovpetko
earelith wrote:Thanks for answering... I thought druids are not chosen for dungeon healing because they dont have ooc resurection.. Also is feral druid better than a rogue as dps? Maybe because he can off-tank and off-heal if needed?

as paladin tank , my experience and from x300 5 man runs druid overall have shown the best performance while paladin healers was the lowest and worse healers from all. (overall view among 300 runs).

-Feral druid if you have 1 i found it extremely efficient due to his innervate for healers and speedup the run by miles faster.
-Mages after all my runs was AoE and mage that is able to use Flamestrike and Blizzard at the same time usual is extremely viable and clear the trash pack in seconds.
-Retibution Paladin is sort of Offtank , same for Fury/Arms Warriors with difference that Arms Warrior is good for AoE .

Re: Whats the best classes for dungeons?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:12 pm
by Dr. Doom
earelith wrote:Thanks for answering... I thought druids are not chosen for dungeon healing because they dont have ooc resurection.. Also is feral druid better than a rogue as dps? Maybe because he can off-tank and off-heal if needed?

Generally, you won't have a paladin/priest/druid in the team in dps/tank positions so this is a very real issue. I know of several people who skip taking a druid healer for the lack of rezzing. Also, in terms of sheer healing at low levels, seems druid are the ones ooming the most. I have a friend who is experienced with priest healing testing other classes, and seems that druid suffers quite a bit from this compared to other classes.

Re: Whats the best classes for dungeons?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 2:58 am
by Soyoen
This is usually what I prefer to run with as a rogue;

Feral Druid (Tank)
Elemental Shaman
Combat Rogue
Fire Mage
Disc/Holy Priest

I would consider swapping the fire mage for a fury warrior in certain dungeons.

Re: Whats the best classes for dungeons?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:04 am
by Zakarum
Tank: Paladin
DPS: Mage, Warlock, Hunter / Rogue
Healer: Paladin / Priest

Max AoE makes for fast runs and in case a mob or two should slip aggro this comp has a great arsenal of CC mechanics. Rogue prefered over hunter in cases where mobs hit hard and can be stunlocked.

Re: Whats the best classes for dungeons?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 4:36 am
by vido
Arms warrior + resto shaman can eventually 2man any 5-man with enough gear, probably ubrs too. I'm talking speed runs here, not a tank spec with TF snoozing through all the trash. Just wait until sweeping strikes gets fixed and AQ gear is released.

Re: Whats the best classes for dungeons?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:25 pm
by Undertanker
A Paladin can AoE tank, but doesn't mean a warrior can't. Main difference is Pally can 1 button and AoE tank, a warrior has to be very good at what he does, and DPS have to not snap aggro prior to the tank getting hit.

My preferred healer in a 5 man is a druid as well. Least amount of down time and when you are geared will use their innervates on a caster. This is where I take a warlock over a mage. I will not really need much heals, and the healer will be doing nothing. When you are geared enough to where CC slows you down more than helping you the lock is better IMO as long as he keeps tapping, but not to the point of getting low HP and causing me to worry about a volley killing them. Lock also holds more a few untility items I value, such as see invis / imp buff / fire shield.

For me:

Tank: Warrior
Healer: Druid
DPS: Warlock / Fury / Rogue

This eliminates any mana dependency. I've cleared UD Strat with 19 minutes + on the clock.

Regarding the druid isn't taken because of a standard res, I've been victim to this on my druid which is restro. The group leader insisted we get a Spriest or ret dps regardless of their gear so we could have a res. I told him we didn't need it and get a pure dps to speed things up but didn't listen. Naturally we didn't use the combat rez or get close to anything below 50% hp for anybody.

Edit: If I opt to chose a different DPS over a Fury or Rogue would be a pally for the ret aura.

Re: Whats the best classes for dungeons?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 1:44 pm
by earelith
Undertanker, why do you prefer a druid healer despite his lack in regular resurect? Why is he better than others? More mana efficient? I genuinely wanna know cause i really want to have a druid healer but forum coments i read discourage me..

I also read that resto druid is much more gear dependent than other healers...