Choosing a class/role

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Choosing a class/role

by Byansk » Mon Apr 06, 2015 1:41 am

Hey all :D

So... i dicided to try out Nostalrius, but rly can't decide what to play.

I don't want you guys to tell me what to play. I have a few ideias in mind, and just want to know how viable (or on demand / saturated) each of them are right now.

*Feral Druid;
*Ret Pally;
*Enhanc Shaman;


(I know warr is the to go tank in vanilla, but rly just need to know how hard is to get a tank spot in a raiding guild :P)

About the roles... Since i'm planning on raiding, how hard is to get a spot on each role right now?

And yes... horde/alliance will be decided later xD

Re: Choosing a class/role

by Guirssane » Mon Apr 06, 2015 12:25 pm

"ret pally" dps?
oh gosh oh gosh haha.
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Re: Choosing a class/role

by Sakuraba » Mon Apr 06, 2015 5:15 pm

Byansk wrote:Hey all :D

So... i dicided to try out Nostalrius, but rly can't decide what to play.

I don't want you guys to tell me what to play. I have a few ideias in mind, and just want to know how viable (or on demand / saturated) each of them are right now.

*Feral Druid;
*Ret Pally;
*Enhanc Shaman;


(I know warr is the to go tank in vanilla, but rly just need to know how hard is to get a tank spot in a raiding guild :P)

About the roles... Since i'm planning on raiding, how hard is to get a spot on each role right now?

And yes... horde/alliance will be decided later xD

These are just my ideas, and not necessarily 100% correct.

Mage: Perfectly viable and highly in demand. Will be near the top of the dps in most raids.

Feral Druid: Viable as hybrid under an understanding raidleader that knows what they are good for and don't expect a rogue.
A pure dps Feral Druid is a bad idea and make little sense. Be prepared to be an OT/dps and fill 2 roles.
It will probably be difficult to find a guild, but not impossible.

Ret Pally: Probably not viable. If so under a casual guild.

Enhanc Shaman: Same as with Ret. Not really viable. Maybe could be used to be a nightfall bot?

Conclusion: For PVE dps, given these classes, save yourself some headache and go Mage. As for being viable and in demand it is not even close.


These are all very viable. It comes down to what you enjoy playing.

Druid: This may be controversial but i feel Druid are the best offtanks in this game. This is due to being able to fill other positions very well when not needing to tank. (with proper spec they could fill in as either dps or healer)
Very good dungeon tanks.
Problem? Most guilds and raidleaders don't understand them and the kind of utility they bring. Most would say HERPDERP DRUIDS CANT TANK HEHE HERP.

Warrior: THE maintank of the game.
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Re: Choosing a class/role

by Larsen » Mon Apr 06, 2015 6:23 pm

Feral, retribution and enhancement are workable specs but I wouldn't recommend them to someone unless they know exactly what they're in for and specifically want to play that spec. Every raid should have room for one of every spec except prot paladins and elemental shamans, but if you aren't sure what you want, pick something more generic. Feral druids in particular have practically no raid itemization until AQ40.

If you intend to do a large amount of 5-man dungeons, also be aware that druids don't have a regular rez in vanilla so they're not quite optimal dungeon healers. It's completely doable but a bit of a hassle when people die as you can rez once every 30 minutes.

Most guilds are built on their tanks, so it's not usually the first thing they're recruiting. You only really need about three or four dedicated prot warriors (or even just a couple if you can guarantee 100% attendance from them) until Naxx 4H. What guilds end up needing is healers, mages and general ranged DPS in that order. Unless it's a completely new guild starting up, melee DPS spots are typically on an "exceptional players only" basis.

Since mage is pretty much the best DPS class in vanilla and you can never really have too many of them, that's a pretty safe bet. It's also just about the only DPS class that people actually look for in dungeon groups, so it's really easy to gear up a mage compared to the other DPS classes.

Druid: This may be controversial but i feel Druid are the best offtanks in this game. This is due to being able to fill other positions very well when not needing to tank. (with proper spec they could fill in as either dps or healer)

This is pretty much correct, although be aware that if going for the tank/healer spec (0/30/21 or 0/31/20), while you'll be able to fill two roles just fine, there will almost never be times where the raid wants to cut a healer in exchange for a tank or vice versa. You always swap healers and tanks for more DPS, nothing else really makes much sense. Any hybrid spec should have DPS as one of its hybrid parts, otherwise you're unlikely to ever get to utilize both. It's really nice for non-raiding dungeoneers, though.
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Re: Choosing a class/role

by Viorus » Sun Apr 12, 2015 12:19 am

Keep in mind the patch setting. This is nowhere near WoD's level of spec friendliness. Just ask people what spec's are acceptable and which are undesirable.

After you know the vanilla spec / class combos, go with the one that you like the best.
Viorin, 60 Night Elf Druid (USA), Knight-Champion

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Re: Choosing a class/role

by DrearyYew » Sun Apr 12, 2015 2:08 am

Guirssane wrote:"ret pally" dps?
oh gosh oh gosh haha.

Better than Innervate bot Druids.

The only reason Retribution is underrated is because... well, it's underrated. There seems to be the idea among vanilla players that Ret is useless and does terrible DPS... well, yeah, if by terrible you mean worse than Rogues, Warlocks, and Warriors, but Retri DPS is better than most other specs, and brings a ton of utility. Having a Ret in raid also means your Holy Paladins don't have to spec into Improved Blessing of Might, giving them some extra talent options.

Sorry we can't all be Warriors, Rogues, and Warlocks. You should know that, playing the most subpar class in the game. Besides, a group with only Warriors, Rogues, Warlocks, and Priests would be pretty fucking awful.
Dreary - Human "Needs No Mana" Holy Paladin
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Re: Choosing a class/role

by Guirssane » Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:43 pm

That's why holy pal is the way to go.
I love ret or reckoning in pvp but in terms of pve it's really useless Imo.
Even oomkin has a better dps, isn't that top kek?
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Re: Choosing a class/role

by Viorus » Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:39 pm

I believe holy Paladins are useful but I just can't wrap my head around why... seems like a waste of the classes fighting potential. Oh well, PROS and CONS!
Viorin, 60 Night Elf Druid (USA), Knight-Champion

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