Any good WoD Private Servers?

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Any good WoD Private Servers?

by MadAxeThrower » Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:08 pm

As the topic says, are there any good WoD private servers around?

I was thinking about trying out WoD, so that I can get a more in dept sense of everything that's wrong about it and the current WoW in general (and to have something WoW-related to do to pass the time, while we wait for the whole Legacy Servers thing to play it self out) but I do not want to pay for an already faulty product, as I feel that it would only send the wrong signal to Blizzard about the quality (or the lack of thereof) of the current game (PS: I do not own a WoW expansion after Cata)

So if anyone has any tips on a good Blizz-like or close to Blizz-like WoD private server, I would appreciate the info :)
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Re: Any good WoD Private Servers?

by VeloxBanks » Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:36 pm

I don't think there are any around. See the thing is people who make servers for past expansions do some mostly out of passion. People who make servers for the current expansion do it so they don't have to pay. Atleast that's the way I see it. Atleast in the private server scene Passion>Money so you can tell which ones are bound to be higher quality.

Since you also stated you just wanted something WoW related to do, I'd suggest Warmane's (don't kill me yet) lordaeron server. A 1x XP WoTLK realm. Pretty much their highest quality realm with few bugs (atleast I've encountered none so far) a cash shop no better/worse than that of Kronos and a server-side addition to the game... now as you might know, server-side addons to the game are usualy fucking AWFUL... this time however? NO DUNGEON FINDER! Yeap. It's honestly the best thing I personaly have as an alternative to Nost.
'tis but a jest, brother!
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