Read before you go PlayTBC

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Re: Read before you go PlayTBC

by Drasheran » Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:27 pm

Heavens, it is a private server you know. They have limited resources and never imagined the hype and swarms of people wanting to play.
They are out of their depth and instead of just closing up shop, because really who needs thousands of whiny nerds expecting you to satisfy them, they are trying.
If it is so terrible go play somewhere else, I'm sure we will have more than enough people on the realms there for fun without all the drama.

Re: Read before you go PlayTBC

by Kerpy » Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:32 pm

If they have so limited resources that they can't choose a host with proper ddos mitigation, dns loadbalance the authservers, and cloudflare protect their website before launch then they are not skilled enough to host.

Re: Read before you go PlayTBC

by Drasheran » Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:35 pm

If they aren't "skilled enough" why even bother making a conversation about it.
Everyone knows the launch was a disaster, obviously since we aren't playing.

Remember the D3 launch? And people payed money for D3, tell us more how unsatisfied you are with free services you aren't entitled to.

Re: Read before you go PlayTBC

by Kerpy » Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:43 pm

Drasheran wrote:If they aren't "skilled enough" why even bother making a conversation about it.
Everyone knows the launch was a disaster, obviously since we aren't playing.

Why? Because people are protecting the devs there no matter what. It's like a cult. If they didn't see this gigantic iceberg of players coming after the sinking of nostalrius then I doubt they are a reliable dev them. If Kronos or Nost would fuck up this badly on launch it would've been belly up and no more a long time ago.

Re: Read before you go PlayTBC

by Drasheran » Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:52 pm

Kronos and Nost had slow growing populations and I'm sure are more experienced at this sort of project than the guys at playTBC.
Honestly if they aren't up to it people will leave until the playing population is a size they can handle, problem solved

Re: Read before you go PlayTBC

by Dr. Doom » Fri Apr 15, 2016 3:34 pm

I honestly don't see a 2.4.3 server of quality happening anytime soon. NostTBC was the real shot. I deeply suspected this from Playtbc before launch, and Shiro's Corecraft seems like it might take several years before it's released, if that ever happens to begin with.
Excalibur and so on are 2x rates and other amazing things.
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Re: Read before you go PlayTBC

by Hydra9268 » Fri Apr 15, 2016 3:49 pm

They didn't think so many people would sign up. When I created a forum account they had around 2,700, now they have 7,551 and rising. PlayTBC is just a victim of poor timing. That's all. They're working on this. PlayTBC Admin PeanutButter writes, "We were not prepared for approximately 18000 attempts at accessing the login servers simultaneously, concurrently with fighting off ongoing DDOS attacks we've been experiencing this week." He or she asks people to be patient as they expect upgrades to their infrastructure to take, at the very most, 1-2 days. So by Saturday we should know more.

Bare in mind Nostalrius' launch also suffered from overload. Even Blizzard had similar issues when TBC launched. The point is to be patient and wait.
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Stone Guard

Re: Read before you go PlayTBC

by ceoddyn » Fri Apr 15, 2016 5:55 pm

Dr. Doom wrote:

This whole event is pretty good for psychological analysis though isn't it. People are so desperate they're making clearly bad decisions from within their own recently held point of view. If they had caught somebody else joining up Kronos or PlayTBC weeks before they would have humiliated that person for making a huge mistake.

We immediately jump at any solution to the problem already available instead of waiting just a short time for something that comes close to matching the quality we demanded from Nost. It's even more surprising in that way we ever got a server like this.
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Re: Read before you go PlayTBC

by Robotron » Fri Apr 15, 2016 6:21 pm

We aren't confident PlayTBC will be quality. It's just something to do that isn't Vanilla while we wait for a private server that uses Nost's data and restores our characters.
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Re: Read before you go PlayTBC

by Proctologist » Sat Apr 16, 2016 12:12 am

First of all they only have one developer and most of their Admins joined before Christmas, secret project for years? ..By Radeghost the drunk dude streaming some awful music and releasing internal information, then being kicked and reinstated in a matter of minutes then have another Admin host a stream as well and have Q&A for 6 hours instead of working on their uncanny communication...

I told them to shut down their stream(S) and work more within expect for outside.. A guy I know within their ranks told me how people are literally crying in their staff conversations because of e.g the realmlist being posted in advance... All the admins are also responsible for media(except rihrih and/or peanutbutter?) and they post things sometimes without checking with themselves... Anyway.. I advised them to do this and I was told,
-''we are not professional company... We are just private server u know, ppl want to ask questions and have fun and I will answer them... Do you guys want some music? ''

I'm still gonna try it out and play cuz nowhere else to go.. I'm staying positive towards the gameplay with my guild and other guilds also coming like Emphasis and Nope, and Dreamstate^^

Let's get one thing straight... I'm not.

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