Warmane lorderon server. The new top private server.

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Re: Warmane lorderon server. The new top private server.

by Xaverius » Wed Apr 13, 2016 8:33 am

Sham wrote:And as a result server doesnt have hairlooms and dungeon finder

This is actually a modification that ocunds interesting, maybe I-
Sham wrote:There is shop where you can buy high level gear. But its not BiS and costs shitton (like 50 euro a piece). Appears this shop covers costs for server and GMs salaries.

Great. The exact same fucking reason I never bothered to play on Molten to begin with. And they say Warmane changed compared to Molten. Psh.
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Re: Warmane lorderon server. The new top private server.

by Robotron » Wed Apr 13, 2016 8:34 am

Petroix wrote:But Warmane is Wotlk are u mad? Wow = vanilla and tbc everything < is crap.

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Re: Warmane lorderon server. The new top private server.

by onura » Wed Apr 13, 2016 8:59 am

I've been playing in Molten and then Warmane for more than 5 years and all I can say: STAY AWAY.

Warmane staff have only one commitment and its their commitment to money. Even positive criticism is not allowed in forums. They even faked drama to reset their servers because they weren't making enough profit. They intentionally bugged Shadowmourne quest chain and Shadowmourne was (and still is) only available via cashshop. They made millions of dollars out of it and somehow they stay out of Blizzard's radar.

Warmane is not fun it will only consume your life.
English isn’t my first language, so please excuse any mistakes.

Re: Warmane lorderon server. The new top private server.

by Arucado » Wed Apr 13, 2016 9:44 am

From the experience i can tell you as a player of Warmane that their Staff is a hell bunch of crap, you may ask "why?", well i was a player from the popular server called Arena Tournament (AT).

When Molten wow (a server i played be4 with a cancer community aka kid rats and retarded people and fully of bugs, like repentance couldnt be broken if used on someone who had an absorb shield) crashed, Molten and AT merged as the server known as Warmane.

All features from the server of AT cataclysm were removed, but they said they would come soon. Like two fucking years passed, and those features NEVER came back, even tho the devs were saying from time to time they were going to be released, but no, they don't even care. Even if you make a thread ASKING if AT features would come, they just delete it with no warning. Every AT player was fucked up (including me). Even an old dev of AT asked to bring the core by himself, that it would take hours to change, nothing, they dont listen, they dont even answer.

And btw, before i discovered AT, i played on molten wow, and apart from being a buggy and shitty server, it was a pay2win. You could only get Gurthalak and ultra PVE items ONLY and ONLY by donation, and to be honest, Lordaeron is just another server from Warmane, a server hosted by that bunch of retarded freaks, that only want your money and nothing else.

So if you want to go play there, you are free to do it, but seriously, you are making a big mistake.

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Re: Warmane lorderon server. The new top private server.

by Xaverius » Wed Apr 13, 2016 9:47 am

onura wrote:>Shadowmourne
>in cashshop. They made millions of dollars out of it and somehow they stay out of Blizzard's radar.

And here I was thinking they merely sold epics.

I never understood how the hell Bli$$ard never cast Detect Fun on Molten in all those years with all that population they're boating about and with all this money going about. Either there is no fun to be had on Molten so Bli$$ard can't detect it, or a part of the monetary gains of the server goes towards buying Morhaime crack. Can't explain it otherwise.
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Re: Warmane lorderon server. The new top private server.

by TomDeBaere » Wed Apr 13, 2016 9:50 am

Any server where there's a shop, voting or donation service (even if you would only get pets, mounts, ect...) is mostly bad. Either the community is childish, the staff doesn't care or it's full of bugs. That's why I loved Nostalirus that much, they didn't have any of this. Still I'll be checking back on this from time to time and see what's happening.
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Re: Warmane lorderon server. The new top private server.

by Desaros » Wed Apr 13, 2016 9:52 am

redcocaine wrote:People just want to discredit the server. Official announcements on the servers website confirm these numbers true.


if you simply read the websites posts you can see it is not faked.

I worked on Warmane for quite some time after being an AT staff member and merging in with the rest of the team. The numbers have always been exaggerated depending on how many players were on. With Lordaeron there definitely is a solid amount of players online, but it most certainly isn't entirely accurate, that much I can assure you.

onura wrote:I've been playing in Molten and then Warmane for more than 5 years and all I can say: STAY AWAY.

Warmane staff have only one commitment and its their commitment to money. Even positive criticism is not allowed in forums. They even faked drama to reset their servers because they weren't making enough profit. They intentionally bugged Shadowmourne quest chain and Shadowmourne was (and still is) only available via cashshop. They made millions of dollars out of it and somehow they stay out of Blizzard's radar.

Warmane is not fun it will only consume your life.

The commitment to money is most definitely true, and they HEAVILY censor the forums, something myself and the other AT guys pretty much begged for them to stop doing (but to no avail). Several times we actually needed to get Kaer involved because they'd delete such ridiculous shit for absolutely no reason.

As for the faked drama, that part isn't true. They were just super heavily corrupted by one of their admins (who had gotten a lot of other corrupt staff members brought on board, which is actually the reason Warmane has had such poor development the past years in terms of bugs; the developers from that admin weren't really developers and had no clue what they were doing). The core and database were stolen but that project ended up failing and Kaer took the admin to court and won.

The Shadowmourne part I can't say with certainty, but I can tell you that for a long time they couldn't fix shit because so many people were incapable.

Re: Warmane lorderon server. The new top private server.

by Sham » Wed Apr 13, 2016 12:02 pm

Lmao at all those lies and bullshit to discredit Lordaeron. They dont sell Shadowmourne in shop. Max level items in shop are 200, so there are no BiS items sold for 80 levels. Raiding is still relevant. Yes they sell some stuff, but since its very expensive, only 1% of population buys gear and it allows them to get some cash to pay GMs who actually communicate with players, and for quality hosting that doesnt lag at 11k peak.

The rumor that Warmane lies about online numebers is horsebullshit. Its clear that server is very popular, there are people everywhere in big numbers. They dont need to lie about it. And today there was actually 4400 online figure (pretty low number compared to 11k peak). If they are lying about population, why wouldnt they tweak it to look more impresive, huh?

But most importantly, server is very well scripted with very little bugs. Trashtalk Lordaeron all you want, it is the most popular and one of the best private servers available.
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Re: Warmane lorderon server. The new top private server.

by Veydron » Wed Apr 13, 2016 1:01 pm

Okay listen guys...

I tested it.. i maked a new account, run around the world and looked at it..
there is a boost in new starting players because Nos is dead... but its not nearly as "11k"
I personall think this numbers are faked because when you left out all the noob and low level starter there is not much left... max 4k players..

And i dont trust a server who fake player Numbers just for "more" players or just to say he is the "greatest" server... Fuck this shit... i wait for the Nostalrius Statement witch server becomes all the Databases and play there..

Re: Warmane lorderon server. The new top private server.

by Sham » Wed Apr 13, 2016 1:06 pm

Veydron wrote:I personall think

This is a progress from "they fake numebers, 100% fact, I swear".
Next stage is "ok, well, maybe they do".
Then "ok, probably they dont"
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