Check out Kronos without account.

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Check out Kronos without account.

by tempatantrem » Mon Apr 18, 2016 5:04 pm

Hey yall, if your looking to check out Kronos as your new home you can come check out my stream to see how the server is. Just check out Tempatantrem on twitch. It seems like its really well scripted, the population is kind of out of hand right now and there is a lot of competition at the moment but I think its going to work out. Hope to see you there. there are also a bunch of other streams up on the Kronos page if you want to check them out as well just to get additional perspective.

Re: Check out Kronos without account.

by mozibake » Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:31 am

I'm currently level 23 on Kronos, so my experience isn't definite. From what I've seen so far:

The existing community of 60s on Kronos seems to mostly be made up of all the absolute shitters who were too bad to hack it here on Nost. Some backpedaling rank 2 mage with 2.1k health has been camping outside Tarren Mill all day killing anyone who lands unopposed simply because 95% of the server is too low level to pose a threat. I'm hopeful to see more Nost refugees start getting to higher levels and turn the tide.

Concerning server quality, it is definitely not as high as Nost, either. It's not abysmal (I've absolutely seen worse), just not as good as Nost. Try to keep in mind that until recently Kronos had a quite small population and Nost had a huge one. Having 12k players online all interacting with different facets of the game content surely made it much easier to spot bugs (the free software model in action: if two heads are better than one, twelve thousand heads must be better than two). Given time, with the influx of new players discovering and reporting bugs, I imagine that things will improve.

A few of the most obvious bugs I've noticed:
-A visual bug with warrior charge, they sometimes just kind of teleport to their target as if they had used Blink. Can make grouping with warriors difficult because if you're not looking directly at them you sometimes have little audiovisual indication that they've entered combat.
-Melee positioning of certain mobs/on certain terrain acts weirdly. When I pull a mob it will sometimes close to melee range and stand right on top of me so that I get "you must be facing your target" errors. Basically the only way to work around this is to circlestrafe around the mob until it dies.
-Pets are weird. I'm a rogue, but my warlock friend's pet bugs out constantly and gets stuck on terrain or spams that "shuu shuu" sound like when you press esc to cancel a spell cast. Searing totem seems to do it too.
-"Broken" LoS, it's not possible to shoot or cast spells through certain objects like trees, as it was on retail vanilla and on Nostalrius. Debateable as to whether this should be considered a bug and basically comes down to whether or not you believe we must reproduce bugs from retail in the name of being "blizzlike".
you think it be like it is but it's don't
-jack brack
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Stone Guard

Re: Check out Kronos without account.

by marcheprime » Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:29 am

To sum kronos : Bugs roll back and 60 who kvl up with x7 too unskill to play on Nost,less stuffed than my twink who spend their time by grey killing lowbies fromNost.

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