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Overwatch Review

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2016 5:17 pm
by mathgod50
So I read the comment in battle net forums... "Why would I play world of warcraft when I can play overwatch for free". So I tried it out to see if it was really THAT good. When I started playing it I thought wow, visually this game is awesome. It first takes you through a tutorial, then a practice range, then a custom AI game (which the AI is absolutely retarded). The graphics and gameplay is really smooth and clean... however, it reminds me of ratchet and clank. Ratchet and clank is a better game (even though I'm slightly biased).

Overwatch is not a BAD game by any means. I tried to put the rage against blizzard behind me while testing this. One thing I've noticed is, this is definately the most unimmersive and less intelligent game I've seen blizzard make. Perhaps because after playing wow and starcraft 2, I realize that blizzard is going down the fucking drain. Hearthstone--- I will not play it. Heroes of the Storm--- league of legends makes this game look like trash.

Overwatch is not breath-taking by any means. The environment is pleasing to the eye but it's just a first person shooter game... it's not this big world of..... warcraft =P. I guess the thing that is most stimulating is that each character has their own abilities... kind of like in league of legends (again with league). Did they say "lets take league of legends... and turn it into a first person shooter"? There is no way they can expect this game to be a giant hit. Perhaps you will enjoy a week or two out of it... not sure. You'll be back to vanilla wow real soon.

Is it worth checking out? Yea why not... only if you have lots of space on your computer for trash lololollol.lololljlfjasklfhasd;lkfhjsklfhasdflollolololloollolsdflashfkljasdhfkehfsf BWHAAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA

Re: Overwatch Review

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2016 5:56 pm
by mathgod50

Then I realized that the "Why would I play world of warcraft when I can play overwatch for free" was in fact.... propaganda from blizzard. They have all these investors now... they have to atleast hype it up... I mean, If the investors knew... if they KNEW.... All the complaints on wow were actually real wow players and not the wow dev team or their pink-haired pigtailed cronies... holy shit. They would withdraw all money from that game.

Re: Overwatch Review

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2016 8:11 pm
by swordarchmage
wow has investors? I don't believe you, not with that quality content coming out

Re: Overwatch Review

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2016 8:38 pm
by PeaceHammer
Played it. Good shooter. I'm just not really into shooters. So I tired of Overwatch very quickly.

Re: Overwatch Review

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2016 1:28 pm
by Forcerius
Its fun, and the art / animations are amazing to say the very least. It also feels fluid and intelligently designed overall. However, there's nothing you can earn or progress with, and it sucks not being able to customize my own character except for an extremely limited selection of skins. So it feels like i'm just a "nobody like everyone else" playing a pointless deathmatch. I guess as long as its still fun then who cares, but it doesn't seem like it will last. Then again, TF2 and CS are still going strong, but I got bored of those for the same reasons.

Overwatch needs to allow us to have our own characters we can "work on". That's what makes it fun - building and customizing something you can use to fight with. And they could do it with more customization in any area while still keeping the theme of the heros.

Re: Overwatch Review

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2016 12:12 am
by nervous
Forcerius wrote:Its fun, and the art / animations are amazing to say the very least. It also feels fluid and intelligently designed overall. However, there's nothing you can earn or progress with, and it sucks not being able to customize my own character except for an extremely limited selection of skins. So it feels like i'm just a "nobody like everyone else" playing a pointless deathmatch. I guess as long as its still fun then who cares, but it doesn't seem like it will last. Then again, TF2 and CS are still going strong, but I got bored of those for the same reasons.

Overwatch needs to allow us to have our own characters we can "work on". That's what makes it fun - building and customizing something you can use to fight with. And they could do it with more customization in any area while still keeping the theme of the heros.

What you enjoy are decorated skinner's boxes. Shooters don't need anything beyond your own skill that you can "work on". Shooters just don't seem like they're for you

Re: Overwatch Review

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2016 6:05 pm
by Dr. Doom
Deathmatch games are the oldest games. Space Wars or Pong. The philosophy is 'be a bit better than your mate'. Only point of it is kill some time with virtual ping pong.

MMOs are virtual enhanced D&D. If you're bored with what the world offers to you, you use it to make up some fantasy to feel nice about it.

Both games have people with issues that use them as a crutch and as a replacement for self-esteem and purpose. Both games have people who play them to have some trivial fun.

Pick your poison.