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To any Wildstar players (if there are any here)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 5:01 pm
by VeloxBanks
How do you feel about Wildstar after having played Vanilla? Does it scratch any itches that Vanilla WoW left on you or is it just a very weak attempt at filling the void? I just started playing today and in all honesty I'm kinda torn. I feel like I would really enjoy the game had I not played Vanilla WoW. Right now it feels... meh. So I wanna hear your opinions on it.

Re: To any Wildstar players (if there are any here)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 6:13 pm
by Rikkisix
for me it felt more like FF14. Take that with a grain of salt.

Re: To any Wildstar players (if there are any here)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:16 pm
by Docholy
Its a dead game. The entire US population is on one server and most of them just spend time building their custom homes. Most are stay at home moms who enjoy pretending their online homes are real.

Re: To any Wildstar players (if there are any here)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 11:39 pm
by riplip
I thought the trailer was pretty awesome and thought I would have a blast playing this game. I got into the game and played up until the little "create your own home" garrison scheme. I knew that I would probably never see most of the players since they will be in their fantasy homes by themselves, playing game music and resizing their cookie cut objects. At that point I decided that I wouldn't enjoy the game. That, and they shut down the PvP server and basically made the game PvE only. Lame as fuck.

Re: To any Wildstar players (if there are any here)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:25 am
by Drain
Never tried it, graphics make it look like a child's MMO, with the worst looking cartoon or comic book animations I've ever seen. The worst thing is probably the rabbit race. It just goes to show you that MMOs are all made for children now, or those teenagers and anime fans that like wearing bunny eared hats and petting their furry toys. Hard to even get interested in these kind of games. You may as well boot up Onigiri or Scarlet Blade. You want to get your anime wank out? There's better games for that.

I think what I might do next is roll Alliance on another private for a little while. It's been a long time since I rolled Alliance; so that'd be something different for me. After quitting that, we'd have more news about Legacy or Nost. I'm primarily Horde, so I could make the most out of a temporary adventure by going Alliance. I'd be looking at Paladin and Druid, classes I did not run on Nost.

Surprised this thread isn't being locked for "advertisement" though. We're all going to get forced edits by Pottu. Or maybe they'll just move this one to Off Topic.

Re: To any Wildstar players (if there are any here)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 6:26 am
by Vaulken
Wildstar is the same as retail WoW. Pretty but shallow.

Re: To any Wildstar players (if there are any here)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 7:32 pm
by Undertanker
I played Wildstar a good bit and went straight healer / Medic.

There were some growing pains having DPS with responsibilities. First instance, wiping 2 hours on first trash pulls before disband. DPS have to do more than tunnel vision which I liked. The game was populated in the world, though nothing was hard about the trash mobs (outdoor leveling) as long as you weren't a keyboard turner.

Getting attuned in the beginning was SOOOO hard and ran what felt like half the population away. I was in a Corporate Sponsored guild which hopped to Arch Age on release. I stayed on Wildstar, however the majority of the player base found raiding to be too intimidating seeing as they couldn't get better than bronze on some instances.

So I did what I did when I wasn't happy with Cata, I went pure PVP. I OWNED. Topping healing meters each match by up to 70% of that of the second healer for either side. People complained about heals being OP and my healing was nerfed so hard that any DPS could solo me while I did nothing but spam biggest heals. (keep in mind classes have abilities similar to Mortal Strike that they never used and instead demanded healing be changed in PVP).

So what WAS a fun game to play turned into a bore fest of LFG queues of "adventures" cause most people can't do the "hard core" instances. I couldn't raid due to only 2-3 guilds brave enough to attempt raiding which were EU or early US raid times. I couldn't find enough US interest to lead a raid. And PVP was turned into a hack and slash because of the classes/players that refused to action slot anything to CC or reduce healing effectiveness of kill target.

TL;DR. The foundation was Vanilla like. VERY tough instances. 40 mans where 1 person's mistake will wipe the raid. Some flexibility to where you level. The entry difficulty may have been too hard for some at the start, probably due to today's generation of gamers not used to what they got. People flocked away quickly and it was a quick, yet sad acceptance. So I found Nost prior to launch and rode this pony since launch day til end.