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"Needle & Magic" coming soon (IC post)

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 12:59 pm
by Damyck
*All along Stormwind and in some places of the elwynn forest you can find some announces sticked on the walls and trees that weren't there before*

Needle & Magic
Coming Soon

Is your old red shirt overused and you're looking for a good replacement?
This old shoes of yours doesn' suit you anymore?
Do you think that with a wand your life would be easier?
Maybe you want those bracers give you the extra health you always wanted?

There's a solution for all of your problems and it's called "Needle & Magic" tailoring and enchantment supplies.
You can find it in the canals, near the Cut-Throat Alley.

"Needle & Magic" for all you desire, we have it here.

Coming soon

Re: "Needle & Magic" coming soon (IC post)

PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2015 4:28 am
by kuwar
WOW !!