New to roleplay? That's okay! Everyone is welcome and has something new to give, and thanks to the wonderful world of alts - everyone can have multiple personality disorder! Take a few minutes to read this introduction and you'll be ready to go..
Creating a Back Story
Part of what brings a world to life is the stories that are created by players; a big part of that comes from the individual characters that those players roleplay. Creating a back-story for your character(s) helps to inspire and entertain others as well as keep you focused on where you want your character to progress. Even the humble tailor, fisherman, or tavern keeper can be an agent of drama and adventure.
When thinking of your character, consider what motivates them to do what they do; where did they come from (hint, look at their race for guidance), and how old are they? Obviously your character cannot be older than the oldest of your race, but also, given that you're playing a fantasy world with a fantasy race, you can play any age you feel comfortable with - old man, young woman, middle aged transexual from Silverpine Forest.
Remember, it is okay to not have all the answers at once, some will come naturally and some will need to be discovered as you play your character.
Try to avoid sullen and withdrawn characters; it can be fine in a story where we can read their inner thoughts, but in roleplay we cannot and it limits your interaction with others. Your characters should be sociable whenever possible.
It's okay to have met famous characters; but try to avoid claiming you are a famous character, or related to one in some manner. Aside from restricting yourself, you'll also be opening yourself up to risky plot holes.
Having an enemy or passionate lover generally relies on having another player willing to fill the position. These character backgrounds are generally best left until storylines have advanced and you know others are willing to get involved. Of course, your character could always be a little anxious about the shadows of back streets..
What Should Be Included?
OOC (Out of Character) Information:
- * Which realm are you playing this character on?
* What kind of days / times (don't forget timezone!) are you willing to roleplay?
* Where do you "hang out" when open for roleplay?
In Character Information:
- * What are their habits?
* What race and gender are they?
* Does your character have an accent?
* What do you hope to do with this character?
* Does your character feel friendly towards a particular race that is not their own?
* What is their favourite location?
* These lists are not exhaustive, you can include as little or as much as you are comfortable with.
Remember: Bad English and poor grammar are not reasons to put someone down. Everyone should be given a fair chance to roleplay; we all started somewhere.