Roleplay on Nos

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Roleplay on Nos

by Deloron » Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:30 am

I am curious if the community was active, or will be resuming such on the relaunch. Since for me roleplay has been a focus for me though I am not sure if Nos had a strong community or is there another server for that

Re: Roleplay on Nos

by Takenotesxx » Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:38 am

sorry for the late reply, but I find the Nost RP community is better than the other Vanilla ones. However, if you want pure RP, the only servers for such, RPH and Paragon as examples, they would be in WoD/Legion format, not Vanilla.
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Re: Roleplay on Nos

by Lokyate » Wed Dec 21, 2016 7:27 pm

I, for one, am very interested in RP in a vanilla scene and have been ravenously searching for information regarding it.
I'm curious to know if most RPers (read: any) intend to stick to the PvE server, or if they'll be treading into the fresh PvP server when it goes live.
It seems like Alliance will have the largest concentration, which still appears minuscule, but I'd put money on it expanding the fastest. Might have to roll that paladin after all!

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