WoW private servers illegal? Also is this virus free?

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WoW private servers illegal? Also is this virus free?

by Hell2thenawnaw » Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:09 am

I am very very new. I found this server on google and wanna experience vanilla WoW for 2 reasons, 1 i cant afford WoW anymore and 2 i started at cata as i was like 10 when vanilla came out and never got to play it.
My question is, can i get in trouble for playing this? Is it illegal? Also is the download virus free?
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Re: WoW private servers illegal? Also is this virus free?

by zamug » Wed Mar 23, 2016 6:34 pm

Will you get viruses from playing on a private server? No.

Should you be careful with which client you download? Yes.

Should you run an anti-virus system? Yes, yes, yes!
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Re: WoW private servers illegal? Also is this virus free?

by Hell2thenawnaw » Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:14 am

zamug wrote:Will you get viruses from playing on a private server? No.

Should you be careful with which client you download? Yes.

Should you run an anti-virus system? Yes, yes, yes!

Its not really viruses im concerned about as im using Nostalrius' download its more how legal it is to play on one. I dont want the feds busting down my door or me getting banned from retail lol
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Re: WoW private servers illegal? Also is this virus free?

by zamug » Thu Mar 24, 2016 8:07 am

I know you're pretty young, but honestly, if you have anxiety over that, don't play on any private server.
Get real and ask yourself, how many people can you name that have had that happen to them?

How is it financially in The Snow Blowers interests to ban you from their game when vanilla is a totally different game experience? Literally, you cannot experience the same world in their game - it was wiped out by the Cataclysm.

I am not going to suggest that you go break the law, but then, where I am from, it's highly doubtful that playing a game on a private server is breaking the law at all, especially when the gameplay experience does not exist in the "modern" version.
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Re: WoW private servers illegal? Also is this virus free?

by Baaja » Thu Mar 24, 2016 12:51 pm

I liked this article that discusses the question regarding legality - I would read the whole thing and it ends with a paragraph from the player perspective. ... te-server/

Re: WoW private servers illegal? Also is this virus free?

by zamug » Thu Mar 24, 2016 2:06 pm

Baaja wrote:

Interesting article; and since it mentions the EULA..
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