realmlist wont change

Game configuration tutorials, addons and macros.

Re: realmlist wont change

by Narkon » Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:46 am

wartrax wrote:So im having a weird issue,

So, originally, i tried to just change the realmlist from Rebirth's to Nostalrius, That didnt work so i went ahead and downloaded the new client and had it replace all the files from my original install location (from rebirth). Again, no connection, but its like the client didnt recognize the new realmlist and just kept Rebirth as the realm name in the bottom R corner. Did a full un/reinstall and same issue, the client still thinks its connected to Rebirth's server even after updating the realmlist multiple times. Any ideas?

The realm name won't update on the bottom right of the login screen until you actually get connected to the "Nostalrius Begins" server.

The server seems to be a bit intermittent in regards to getting connected. I had an issue for about on hour on my laptop in which I kept getting a "Disconnected" message trying to log on.

You can try change your "" to see if that helps. Change it from "" to "".
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