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Some questions about vanilla

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:28 pm
by elyo
Hello there,

I am coming here to experience the vanilla age (I started playing a long ago on bc) and I have some questions.
I am not sure which class I will choose but I am hesitating between Warrior & Shaman.
To make my choice, I need to know :
- Enh Shaman or Arms Warrior easily find a place in pve group/raid ?

Because, I want to mainly pvp but I would like to have the possibility to pve aside.
That's why I am worried about how are useful these classes (with spec mentioned above).

I hope you can help me :) Thank you beforehand.
Sorry for my bad english (not my native language)

Re: Some questions about vanilla

PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:58 am
by Wuzzin
Warrior would probably be your best bet. Melee dps Isn't very sought after, some fights you are useless. Warrior will be higher up on the dps ranking. Warrior is also able to tank, so if you would want to tank there is always that. But the most important thing is to play whatever class you will have the most fun as.

Re: Some questions about vanilla

PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 1:04 am
by Wuzzin
This is also mostly based on remembering from back in the day, so anyone with a little more current knowledge might be able to give you more insight.