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LF leveling comrade/guild NostalriusPvE

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:13 pm
by Egobrain
Good day Comrades!
I have just started on NostalriusPvE[A]: NE druid lvl 24, name: Egobrain.
Looking for people (perhaps, a guild?) to have fun leveling. I am in EST time zone, but sometimes play in EU time. I am not 100% settled on class and race, but I'd prefer PvE server since the PvP server seems to be quite (if not too) densely populated, however I am open to suggestions.
I played WoW since EU OBT, actively raided in TBC and LK (LK killed it for me). I seldom play on retail (I have both EU and US accounts due to moving around, but both are currently inactive :D).
If you remember and miss the times when doing damage required spending mana, threat was a game mechanics, doing quests required an ability to read, mages knew what moon mark means, hunters were not a real class :P and night elfs had the best racial in game, please tag along!

Re: LF leveling comrade/guild NostalriusPvE

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 2:17 am
by Mike9078
Whatsup man I'm looking for a levelling partner as well, your 100% going pve sever?

Re: LF leveling comrade/guild NostalriusPvE

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 3:54 am
by Egobrain
It seems that PvP server is not a pleasant place at the moment with 9k+ people online at all times and, consequently, lags.
That being said I am willing to give it a shot, but I am skeptical.