New starters on Nos

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New starters on Nos

by Jyxoz » Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:31 pm

Hi there,

My brother and me are looking to start some characters on this server this weekend, and I was looking for a bit of advice! We both played Vanilla on retail (hunter and paladin) and we've played on a private server a few years ago and just came across this one.

Ideally, we want to play on the side with the least population to help even things out and we're not particularly picky about classes. I was therefore wondering what factions is the least populated right now and if there were any classes that were in particular demand/that are oversaturated?

We both used to play on PvP servers, and used to the ganking it involves. So we're happy to play on the PvP Nos server, unless there's a major reason for going for the PvE one?

Any help would be really appreciated! And I realise that people must ask this all the time but I couldn't find any relevant threads. Thanks!


Re: New starters on Nos

by Brion » Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:11 pm

On the PVP server, the factions are pretty well balanced, so pick your favorite. The issue is with the extreme population. Major lag issues and overpopulation in zones can make questing a pain, and there really is no such thing as farming or grinding. This is less of an issue if you are in North America, but still a problem on the weekends.

If you decide to go PVE server, definitely go horde as the population balance is something like 62:38 A:H. It feels almost empty on the PVE server compared to PVP, but with 3000 online at peak, it's still very much alive and manageable.
Quyzbuk - Tauren Warrior [PVP]
Linguo - Tauren Druid [PVE]
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

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