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New at Nostalrius - PvE / PvP?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 1:49 am
by SurenKai
Hi guys, I'm thinking about starting here because I'm curious about the vanilla experience, I've read some post and most of the people recomend starting in the PvE realm as long as the PvP is overpopulated.
The question is, I've read the timeline in the web, and it's seems that the PvE is more delayed (as its newer) than the PvP, so do both have the same importance in terms of upgrading new content? I personally like more the pve, and I guess there's still enough people to raid and everything, but if that realm is getting in ''background'' respect the pvp one, then I'm starting there...

Well I don't know if I've explained myself here as far as it's a deep issue and my english is kinda bad tho (I'm spanish)

So that would be it, thank you. :)

Re: New at Nostalrius - PvE / PvP?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 7:09 pm
by nordrassilkek
You won't be able to level past lvl 31 on the pvp server.

The longest I was able to stay alive was 5 seconds until I was dead again.

Re: New at Nostalrius - PvE / PvP?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 7:13 pm
by Nothing
Go PvP! It's more fun, more people, more to do in my opinion.