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Question before spending months/years on Nostalrius

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 12:04 pm
by Senqt
Heya guys.

I'm an old school WoW player and I want to feel and experience WoW how it was back in the days. Now I have a question before I start playing here, I don't know if the devs made contact with Blizzard and if Blizzard is aware of this private server, but is there a chance that we know it won't shut down for the next few years? What happened to me is I've spent a whole year of playing on a popular private WoW server and it got shut down which left me with absolutely nothing. I understand it's a private server and I'm taking my time and chances but I just wanted to know if it's 'safe' (if you know what I mean). Hope I didn't cause any trouble.

Thanks and see you ingame. =3

Re: Question before spending months/years on Nostalrius

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 8:12 pm
by zamug
Most servers that get shutdown do so because they either 1) take "donations" for items (i.e. sales, not donations), and 2) are located in the US -or- operated by US citizens.

Nostalrius is neither of those, and therefore does not have those risks associated with the project.

Could it still be shut down? Maybe. But that might not be in The Snow Blowers interests. So long as Nostalrius exists, they don't have to answer the horde of fans who want vanilla. If Nostalrius was to disappear, suddenly there is a large number of people angry / annoyed / wanting a vanilla server to fill the void.

With Nostalrius you're not talking 50 - 100 dedicated players, you're talking tens of thousands.

Ultimately, if you feel the risk is not worth the reward, go spend some more time in the office.