Help Connecting Please !!

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Help Connecting Please !!

by Eaglesaurus1 » Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:30 pm

I know this question has been asked and solved a LOT. I've been trying my hardest to solve it but nothing is working.

I followed the download instructions and everything went smoothly. I got suggested and placed into Test Realm IsVV2. I've deleted the WTF and WDB folders seperately, reinstalled the game, made two different accounts, looked at 500 forum posts, downloaded the realm fix tool, and configured my files.

Whenever I tried downloading the tool, I got flashing black boxes popping up all over the screen saying something like "requesting administrator permissions" and they open and close sparatically until I restart the computer.

I cannot retype and realm files because "Access is Denied". I've given myself administrator control under properties and this does not change anything.

I know that this is probably an annoying topic to deal with, but thanks in advance for any help.

Re: Help Connecting Please !!

by Diametra » Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:45 pm

#2 and #3 on this page


if nothing else try the "escape" thing will signing in
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