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PvP Stun Locking Question

PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:54 pm
by Kazarak
With Diminishing Returns, how is stun locking viable - especially if the target has a trinket to remove the initial stun? From what I understand, Cheap Shot and Kidney Shot are both in the Controlled Stun category. I would think that if the initial stun from CS were broken, you'd only have two - maybe three - CP's, which would translate to 1.5 or 2 seconds of additional stun length with KS. That's not much of a stun lock...

And the break in stun could be a fatal one depending on the target's class/build.

Re: PvP Stun Locking Question

PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:09 pm
by Wessty
Real "stun locking" is generally exclusive to the 21-3-27 Hemo build. When you open with CS, you generate 2 or 3 combo points. 2 quick hemo's to follow up and you're sitting at 4 or 5 combo points, which is a bit better than the 1-2 seconds you're referring to. Most people won't trinket your cheap shot anyway, they will trinket your kidney shot.

You've also got the ability to gouge/ks (hopefully with crippling up), run away from the target a bit (but not in intercept range ;) ) get a restealth off and open again from a position of strength. This isn't even factoring in blind x2, vanish x2. Warrior resists your Kidney Shot? Can't gouge him? Blind him. This is all subjective to what you're fighting against as well, keep that in mind.

There is no set stunlocking "rotation", a skilled rogue manages his energy, plans a gcd or two in advance, and uses CD's in a way that ensures the enemy stays locked down. Remember, when you've got nothing, gouge is such a short CD it's generally always available when you need it. Gouge, restealth, and open from a position of strength.

Re: PvP Stun Locking Question

PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:33 pm
by Kazarak
Even with a full 5 CP's, the KS should only be good for 3 seconds of additional stun; unless DR isn't implemented here on Nost. Although I see your point on the Gouge, Blind, etc. Rogues have multiple abilities to reset the fight if things go bad - or choose a different target if it proves more trouble than it's worth.

Re: PvP Stun Locking Question

PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:05 pm
by bdan
I don't play a rogue on this server but I played one back on retail. If I remember right Cs and Ks don't share Dr's for some reason. At least they didn't used to 10 years ago.

Re: PvP Stun Locking Question

PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 3:48 pm
by Kazarak
That would explain things too.

Re: PvP Stun Locking Question

PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:48 pm
by Kihoshi
CS and KS are on different Drs.