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Struggling with the best PVP spec

PostPosted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 3:19 pm
by alextheone5
I am finding it very difficult to choose between the 2 popular dagger specs and i need some input!

The 2 specs in question are the 31-8-12 and the 21-8-22.

I am playing 21-8-22 at the mo and love the versatility of it but i cant help but dream of the +10 energy plus added combo points on crits.
however i will really miss imp sap as well as the lower cool downs on vanish plus prep.

Plus which is better .. Camouflage or master of deception?

Re: Struggling with the best PVP spec

PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:57 pm
by Ohhgee
stealth is complete garbage without Master of Deception. 5/5 here is a must for PvP

Also Hemo (21/3/27 or something similar) is far better overall than any Dagger spec, especially at current gear level. It is better against every class 1v1 except mages, it is better for solo ganking and 1vX, and it is better in almost all BG situations.

you have more control and better survivability, you don't have to rely on crits or Thistle Tea to kill geared players, and you can build Combo Points basically twice as fast as daggers. Also hardly ever energy starved which is the most annoying part of playing dags

Re: Struggling with the best PVP spec

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 9:48 am
by alextheone5
thanks for the reply, i always remembered vanilla as daggers and thats what all the classic pvp videos are. However here on Nostralius every single rogue i see are swords hemo spec!
i guess i need to get Dal Rends and give it a go

Re: Struggling with the best PVP spec

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:31 am
by snawfu
You can play daggers for fun and oneshotting low hp/shitgear/casters but hemo is the ultimate build.