UD or ORC for PVP

UD or ORC for PVP

by idosky » Sat Nov 21, 2015 12:03 pm

Hello guys

We all know how good WoTF is, but what about 25% stun resist, what will be overall best ?

Re: UD or ORC for PVP

by idosky » Sat Nov 21, 2015 1:41 pm

But then again, often are u in risk of getting stunned? Obv, if a rogue finds u first, Warrior/Paladin stun ?

Or is wotf overrated as a UD ? Would the stun resist help me in the long run
A cheapshot and kidney..its very likely either one of them will fail

Its should be easy too controll the fear classes anyways ?

any takes from you pro rogues out there? thinking of roling a orc female

Re: UD or ORC for PVP

by Ohhgee » Sat Nov 21, 2015 4:14 pm

Orc is superior IMO, especially when you consider that Rogue PvP trinket works on Fear/Charm but not on stuns. Also consider that Rogue and Warrior are the two most popular classes on the server and both rely heavily on stuns.

Of course UD is viable as well. WotF does everything that Rogue PvP trinket does besides removing Polymorph, so as UD you can roll with double Engineering trinkets most of the time. Obviously want to put on PvP trinket if you're fighting Mages
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Re: UD or ORC for PVP

by Lucymcclane » Sat Nov 21, 2015 10:08 pm

Go orc if you dont want to be one of the Darkvurtnegrimpwnrox clones on the server !

Orc female <3

Re: UD or ORC for PVP

by Ohhgee » Sat Nov 21, 2015 11:19 pm

anrey wrote:But cannibalism pretty good thing, idk how here orc racial work.

yeah situationally cannibalize is good, it can be channeled through DoT ticks unlike bandage.
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Re: UD or ORC for PVP

by idosky » Sun Nov 22, 2015 8:56 pm

Ohhgee, would you say horde rogues are far superior too allaince rogues? Let's say gnome rogue?
Also thinking of you face a lot of orcs, shamans, warriors, warlocks, hunters and rogues. And controlling them Are scewed too luck? Im i right?

Re: UD or ORC for PVP

by Spartigus » Sun Nov 22, 2015 10:26 pm

IDK about 1v1, but for BGs I think UD is superior. I used to play UD on retail, now I play gnome, and now I find myself getting pealed by fear much more often than I'm used to. I get feared in BGs way more often then I have a rogue or a warrior focusing me, and if there is a rogue or warrior on me they usually have friends attacking me too, meaning resisting a stun would probably only prolong my life a few seconds. I can imagine that horde rogues have to deal with getting CC'd by HoJ, but as alliance I can't speak on how frequently that happens. Plus I think cannibalize is generally overlooked in these discussions, it's a really great tool and I really miss it now that I play as a gnome.

Re: UD or ORC for PVP

by Ohhgee » Mon Nov 23, 2015 2:14 am

idosky wrote:Ohhgee, would you say horde rogues are far superior too allaince rogues? Let's say gnome rogue?
Also thinking of you face a lot of orcs, shamans, warriors, warlocks, hunters and rogues. And controlling them Are scewed too luck? Im i right?
Orc is definitely superior to any Alliance race for Rogues. The stun resist is just so good. Your main counter is Other Rogues, and the stun resist can turn the fight in your favor at any moment. Also, as a Horde Rogue, HoJ is your worst nightmare, as someone else pointed out.

Also, in my opinion, Human is the best race for Alliance Rogue. Again, your hardest counter is another Rogue, and Perception gives you an almost unbeatable advantage against enemy Rogues.

If I had to make a tier list for PvP Rogue races, it would look something like this:
1. Orc
2. Human
3. Gnome, Undead
4. Night Elf, Dwarf
5. Troll

Of course everything in PvP is situational, for example you could make the argument that Undead is the best for solo play, because WotF gets you out of Fear without using Trinket and Cannibalize can save you from DoTs. However, if you're playing with a healer/dispeller, both of those racials lose most of their value and Orc is clearly better. A similar argument could be made for going Gnome or Dwarf. Escape Artist is great in tons of situations, and Stoneform is also situationally good for breaking Blind on yourself or getting rid of Bleeds to Vanish. Yet again, these racials start to lose their value if you're playing with a group or at least a Healer/Dispeller. Human becomes the clear choice.

On a side note, I think Escape Artist is a bit overrated for Rogues, because Vanish, Improved Sprint, and consumables like Anti-Venoms will get you out of basically anything that Escape Artist works on. This is not a popular opinion but it's how I see things.

TL;DR tons of races are good situationally, but Orc and Human are the clearly the best overall
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Re: UD or ORC for PVP

by idosky » Mon Nov 23, 2015 7:16 am

Ohhgee, finaly, if ur Main focus is wpvp, would you take ud over orc?

Re: UD or ORC for PVP

by Drain » Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:11 am

That stun resist isn't as helpful on a Rogue as it looks. You're talking about a 25% to resist a stun, as opposed to a 100% to remove a fear. 75% of the time, you will still eat the stun. Will of the forsaken however will never fail to remove a fear. You may as well expect the stun and plan for it, as opposed to praying it won't occur. You then have weapon skill you can't use, a healing debuff you'd be stupid to use, and a pet bonus with no pet. Ya, great race. You're taking those over free food and the very useful shadow resist(which in itself can cause you to resist fears). Even by yourself, you don't want to Blood Fury as that will ruin your healing potions.

Orc is a better choice for other races.
Warriors already have CDs for countering fear, and inevitable eat more stuns than Rogues since they can't stealth or control their fights. They can also use axes.
Hunters get a pet for the bonus. They too can use axes.
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