Raziya's Guide to Solo Taming the Bloodaxe Worg

Raziya's Guide to Solo Taming the Bloodaxe Worg

by Fey » Sat Dec 26, 2015 8:10 pm

Hi, everyone! I just recently got myself Broken Tooth.


So I've finally been motivated to go on safari and get those maximum rank cat abilities I want: Claw, Bite, Dash, and Prowl. Three of them were simple and even found in a single location, but one, Bite, it turns out was a tad trickier.

Now, no one ever runs LBRS because UBRS is bae, so how are you supposed to get a group to tame the only pet in the game with rank 8 Bite? Well, it turns out you don't need to. Despite things being a little different on Nostalrius, apparently, I found it was entirely possible to solo tame a Bloodaxe Worg. I'll show you what I know, but first, for the purpose of being thorough, I'm also going to go over how to get max rank Claw, Dash, and Prowl here, because this is in fact relevant.

UPDATE: Due to popular demand, I've created a video guide for this process. Check it out if you're worried the screenshots are insufficient.

The first thing you'll want to do, if your hearth is in a major city, is go to Winterspring.


If your hearth is not in a major city, get the following supplies right now so that you don't have to stop there:


- Lots of meat. You're going to be using a throwaway pet for several pulls, and you don't want it running away.
- Major healing potions for emergencies. If you accidentally pull while Feign is on CD, you're going to need to survive for at most 30 seconds, so these can really save your life! They did mine when I was first doing this.
- Jungle remedies, for Mother's Milk. Mother's Milk is a permanent debuff that constantly roots you and aggros Mother Smolderweb on you if you're not feigned. More details later on.
- Lesser invisibility potions. Get regular ones if you think you'll need those few extra seconds to figure out where you're going. These are convenient for a few areas you're not confident about, and even practically necessary in one particular place. Bring a few in case you die.

Rohrzange commented that a Fire Protection Potion can help with the Invokers, so consider bringing one of those if you can't be bothered to time your run through the gauntlet. A nature protection potion (I think) would block the damage from an ogre's magic, too, but if you're careful you won't be hit by lightning.

Anyway, once you're ready to go, head north of Everlook...


...and look for these owls. Winterspring Screechers. They're all over the place.


They have Claw rank 8. Learn it really quick, and then head up to Frostsaber Rock, to the northwest.


Tame yourself a Stalker variant. They have rank 3 Prowl and rank 3 Dash. This will be your throwaway pet, so make sure you get a level 60 Stalker! Turn on Track Hidden and use Catseye Ultra Goggles to see them from a mile away, because they are stealthed.


Feed your new cat, give him a hug because he's going to die, a lot, and then pack him up and hearth wherever your hearth is. Then, after being sure that you're prepared, take a flight...


...to Searing Gorge or Burning Steppes. Head to Blackrock Mountain, and then get yourself into Blackrock Spire. From here, pull out your throwaway pet. I've named mine Meatshield, because. Send your cat at a few mobs...


...and Cheetah up to the RIGHT SIDE. Be wary of any orcs that may not have pulled when your pet walked through the entrance! If they hit you, you're going to have a harder time surviving. You'll come to this ledge. Jump down and cling to the left wall to get through that archway ahead. Don't feign until you're through that archway!


Here's an okay place to feign. Note that I'm facing towards the archway you could see from the previous screenie.


To my right in the previous screenshot is the direction we need to go. Run to the corner, visible from that screenshot, and if you're a night elf, Shadowmeld until you're ready to proceed. A patrol will come through this way from time to time, so remain hidden or get going quickly if you don't have stealth! Try getting up from Feign when the patrol passes through to the way you came; you'll have some time. You'll be in a position like this:


With two guards ahead. Once the patrol passes, Freezing Trap one of the guards and Scatter Shot the other, and run past...


...and take a right out the way they were guarding. Jump down onto the ledge below and Feign Death to get them off you. The ledge we jumped from is visible from this screenshot:


Continue down and resurrect your throwaway pet.


You'll be able to see a huge gauntlet of orcs down below from here, which would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get past without an invisibility potion. However, just focus on one orc for now, the one below you.


Shoot him, and then back up slightly and wait. He will come up to you.


Kite him using Wing Clip up and down the ledge, and enable and disable Cheetah as you close in or depart from him.


Eventually, he'll die. Heal your pet up, and heal yourself, and then dismiss your pet.


Then, go ahead and jump on down. Be careful not to pull a stationary pack or the one patrolling orc you didn't kill. If his presence makes you uncomfortable, go ahead and kill him too, but I've never done that, so I know nothing about his abilities. I think he's a different mob. Good luck if you try it!


You can see the ledge we were standing on from the above screenshot.

Now's a kind of tricky part. I didn't take a screenshot of the gauntlet ahead, but it's very straightforward, and there's only one direction to go. If you have that Fire Protection Potion, now's the time to use it. Once the single-orc patrol passes by, if you didn't kill it, go to the left side of this corner here:


And Shadowmeld if you're a night elf. From that screenshot, we're taking a right. Turn on Aspect of the Cheetah, and immediately pop your invisibility potion after you leave that corner. Beware the Invokers! They'll do an AoE fire spell every now and then, so only leave the corner once the one nearest to you does its spell, so you can go past while it's on CD. Cling to the left wall and cut the corner, and you can just barely run through this gauntlet of orcs before your invisibility potion wears off. Feign death at the end if you aggro anything.


If you don't make it all the way, the Engineering invisibility trinket, Gnomish Cloaking Device, can be used right out of Feign Death, even while Lesser Invisibility Potions are on cooldown, allowing you to get up and go the rest of the way.

This is a safe area, so resurrect your throwaway pet and /target Mother Smolderweb, who is just around to the right up the way I'm facing.


Now's a good time to talk about my experience with Mother's Milk...

The first time I did this run, I made the mistake of thinking Mother Smolderweb was CCable with Scatter Shot, and only sent my pet after the Spire Spiders. She is not. If you get Mother's Milk, be certain to use a Jungle Remedy before using Feign Death, because the moment you get up from Feign Death and that poison ticks on you, you're going to get aggro on the boss. I was feigned across the beam, so I was in a good spot to get up. I waited until I resisted the poison's tick once, so I wasn't webbed, and then got right up and got as far away from Mother Smolderweb as I possibly could. Before it ticked next, I dispelled the poison, and I got aggro on the boss. From there, I used Deterrence and Aspect of the Monkey, once Mother Smolderweb reached me, to survive for the remaining time until my Feign came off CD. Difficult, but not impossible.

If you don't have anything to dispel the poison, die and try again. You're not going to be able to proceed.

Anyway, have your pet pull Mother Smolderweb, and only after Mother Smolderweb has been pulled should you send your pet down to fight one of the orcs in the gauntlet below. Run past the mobs as your pet kites them in the other direction, turn sharply around and run across the beam, and try to get between the collapsed rock and the beam's intersection before feigning. Here:


From here, you can safely get up, resurrect your pet, etc. You don't need to use your pet to get past the next spiders, and I personally prefer not to. Just run past and snare or slow them...


...until you get a good distance away from the last spider...


...and you get to the ogres.


If you feign in a bad spot at any time and you're not a night elf, consider dropping a Freezing Trap out of Feign Death so that if a mob pulls, you can just freeze it until Feign comes off cooldown.

You're very close to victory now. The ogres are a little weird with aggro, and may actually cast a nasty spell on you if you don't keep your distance. So, have your pet stay by the collapsed left wall, walk over to the ledge on your right, and have your pet pull the two around the corner to the left. Then, have it run and smack one of the spiders behind you.

Run past the ogres...


...until you get here. Feign death.


This next part's simple. Heal your throwaway pet and, after you drop a Freezing Trap in front of you, have your throwaway pet run up to one of the worgs and start attacking it. Make sure you teach the throwaway pet Growl for this part. Peel the elite orc off your pet right away and then go ham on the worg your pet is attacking. Kill it.


Use Feign Death to de-aggro the two remaining mobs while your throwaway pet dies.


Abandon your throwaway pet, and ready another trap. Bye, Meatshield!


It's time to tame the worg! Open with Concussive Shot on the worg left alive so that the orc runs ahead of it, right into your trap, and then immediately start taming it. Make sure you have Aspect of the Monkey up before starting, because it does hit hard, and if anything goes wrong, Feign Death immediately and try again after you heal up.


If level 57, the worg will probably not aggro the scorpions to your right. If level 56, like the one I tamed for this guide, you will probably pull the scorpions. Either way, DISMISS PET IMMEDIATELY AFTER TAMING IT, and then Feign!


Once you hearth out of there, you can feed your new worg and take it out to learn yourself Bite 8.


If you've made it here, congratulations! Your cat will be as powerful as it can be. :) Check my Hunter Macros & Tips thread for more information about controlling your little killing machine!

Edit: Due to people asking me in-game about various Broken Tooth leveling locations, I'll compile a list of my choice locations here. You can and should kill mobs around his level to level him up.

37-41 - Camp Cagg in the Badlands (southwest part of the zone) was a good spot for me. Lots of ogres, little armor. Nothing else to really say about this area. I did wander around the Badlands a couple of times just two-shotting random wildlife with Auto Shot + rank 1 Multi-Shot, which is so low in mana cost that it's pretty much infinitely sustainable. In fact, consider rank 1 Multi-Shot usable for every area on this list.
41-45 - The Wastewander Bandits in Tanaris (southeast of Gadgetzan) have, like, zero armor. Bring Catseye Ultra Goggles and use Track Hidden so you don't miss any rogues; they're stealthed! These will get your little one up to 45 easily.
45-50 - Feralas, at the Ruins of Ravenwind, west of the road leading up to Desolace in the northern part of the zone. There are lots of harpies there and they go down in pretty much one aimed shot crit, despite being about level 50. A single auto / multi / auto combo could get them to the ground too, if you get a crit or two. Be aware that the Windcallers have a cyclone CC that could get your pet killed if you're the target.
50-55 - Azshara, in the northern part of the zone, at the Thalassian Base Camp. The blood elves here have virtually no armor, so they go down with a single aimed shot crit, but be ready with an auto / multi / auto combo in case your aimed shot doesn't crit; the Reclaimers will heal!
55-60 - Blasted Lands, at the Altar of Storms. Deal with enforcers, which have some armor, by using an immolation trap to weaken them. A single auto / multi / auto combo on pull, followed by tripping an immolation trap, typically gets them close to death or dead. The other mobs are cloth, so burst them with aimed / auto / multi / auto. Be aware that warlocks will attempt to run, though, so have Scatter or something ready to take them down before they reach another mob. If you want to avoid getting the warlocks' Voidwalker pets on you, simply send your pet in first. The voidwalkers will never lose aggro on their target until it dies, so don't worry about hitting it after that. Your pet doesn't even need to go close; the moment your pet starts moving towards a warlock with intent to attack, the voidwalker will lock on to it. So, bring your pet back to you after giving the attack order so they don't pull other nearby mobs.

Feel free to leave a comment if you find any better locations. :)
Last edited by Fey on Thu Mar 03, 2016 1:21 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Raziya's Guide to Solo Taming the Bloodaxe Worg

by kaba » Sun Dec 27, 2015 2:25 pm

Awesome post, thank you!
Kaba, 60, Troll Mage
Tohi, 60, Dwarf Rogue
Kaba, 60, Troll Hunter (PvE)
Itai, 60, Gnome Warlock (PvE)
Pa, 60, Dwarf Warrior (PvE)
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Re: Raziya's Guide to Solo Taming the Bloodaxe Worg

by Rohrzange » Sun Dec 27, 2015 5:56 pm

you can alos use a greater fire protection pot to avoid the aoe dmg of the evokers

Re: Raziya's Guide to Solo Taming the Bloodaxe Worg

by Fey » Sun Dec 27, 2015 10:50 pm

kaba wrote:Awesome post, thank you!

You're welcome! I hope it was useful! :)

Rohrzange wrote:you can alos use a greater fire protection pot to avoid the aoe dmg of the evokers

Good idea! I'll add that to the original post.
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Re: Raziya's Guide to Solo Taming the Bloodaxe Worg

by somecolours » Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:54 am

Since i'm not rolling a nelf, obviously i can't go shadowmeld in several parts of the dungeon just like what you did.
What is the most foolproof strategy for this run? Stacking invis pot and just go whenever its off CD while buying time with pet?

Re: Raziya's Guide to Solo Taming the Bloodaxe Worg

by Fey » Mon Jan 04, 2016 5:48 am

somecolours wrote:Since i'm not rolling a nelf, obviously i can't go shadowmeld in several parts of the dungeon just like what you did.
What is the most foolproof strategy for this run? Stacking invis pot and just go whenever its off CD while buying time with pet?

Well, you don't need to go shadowmeld at all during this run. I shadowmeld for safety, but if you time yourself among the patrols correctly, or kill an extra orc before the gauntlet, feign in the right places, etc, you'll get there just fine. I might actually post a video of it since people have been asking...
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Re: Raziya's Guide to Solo Taming the Bloodaxe Worg

by Eloah » Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:54 am

somecolours wrote:Since i'm not rolling a nelf, obviously i can't go shadowmeld in several parts of the dungeon just like what you did.
What is the most foolproof strategy for this run? Stacking invis pot and just go whenever its off CD while buying time with pet?

I just stacked invis pots, used pet pull only at the very start.

This takes more time and a bit of a learning process but the pet I had couldn't tank smolderweb or the adds and there seemed to be additional spiders leading up to the ogres so I chose to feign in the right places and wait for the cooldown.

Re: Raziya's Guide to Solo Taming the Bloodaxe Worg

by Fey » Fri Jan 08, 2016 9:45 pm

Eloah wrote:I just stacked invis pots, used pet pull only at the very start.

This takes more time and a bit of a learning process but the pet I had couldn't tank smolderweb or the adds and there seemed to be additional spiders leading up to the ogres so I chose to feign in the right places and wait for the cooldown.

If you're going with this strategy, I would personally recommend that you make plans to AFK during the invis cooldowns and get some chores or something done, because the invis pot cooldowns are like ten minutes and you can probably be more productive doing something else while coming back every ten minutes for this.

Again, it's not impossible at all to do this without Shadowmeld. The only area you really need an invisibility potion is the orc gauntlet, and the only time Shadowmeld comes in handy there is when you're getting ready to go, because there's a single orc patrol that comes through and could aggro onto you around the corner. It's totally possible to time it so you're there while he's not. It also comes in handy if you feign a little too close to a mob, but if you do pet pulls correctly and feign in the spots I feigned, you won't have any issues whatsoever.

There are seven points you're going to need to feign at:

1. Past the first room
2. Past the two guards through the archway
3. Past the orc gauntlet
4. Past Mother Smolderweb
5. Past the spiders
6. Past the ogres
7. The worg taming process

So... this is why invisibility potions aren't exactly ideal for anything more than the orc gauntlet:

1. The first room is an easy pet pull
2. The two guards can be CC'd
3. Orc gauntlet is insane and definitely would be nearly impossible, if not impossible, without an invisibility potion
4. Mother Smolderweb is another pretty easy pet pull as long as your pet has dash, which the pet I recommended you tame for this does have
5. The spiders aren't too many and can be another easy pet pull or even a walk-by if you're Survival
6. The ogres probably won't touch you if you simply stand off to the side while your pet kites them all down to the spiders, or near the spiders if you have a pet stay macro and use it just before pet hits spiders. Maybe they'll blast you with lightning once, but it's not a serious threat. Just don't get Cheetah dazed before you run around the corner, but you can always feign, res pet, and try again if things go wrong
7. Invisibility potions won't help you after you tame your worg!

Just my two cents. :)
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Re: Raziya's Guide to Solo Taming the Bloodaxe Worg

by Eloah » Sat Jan 09, 2016 1:49 pm

Oh I agree 100%, I just found that its *possible* to only do it with invisibility potions, you can even skip the first pet pull with them. It does take a lot more time.


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