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PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 7:50 pm
by duridface
So, in choosing a general purpose pet to use for solo grinding, 5 mans, or even raids, I'm trying to figure out how exactly screech works on owls. Since owls have almost as much base DPS as cats, a "dash" equivalent, and can use claw as a focus dump, I figured as long as the screech debuff causes additional threat on the target, it should hold aggro better than a cat (and even cause some aoe aggro for extra mobs). However I'm having a hard time finding information on how much threat the screech debuff actually does.

Does anyone know how much aggro the Screech debuff causes? If this server is correctly blizzlike, I'm 99% sure it should cause 100 threat at max rank, as the debuff is -100AP to all targets hit (just like Demo shout from warriors causes 140 threat, 1 threat per AP reduction).

Follow-up question, although there is no cooldown on the ability, I can't seem to get my pet to spam it. The pet only wants to cast screech when the debuff is not on its target. Considering it is the same focus cost as claw and has no cooldown, assuming it does cause the proper amount of threat, spamming screech should let my pet hold aggro much better than spamming claw. Does anyone know if it is possible to get the owl/bat pets on this server to spam screech as a focus dump rather than only re-cast it when the debuff has dropped off their target?

Re: Owls/Screech

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:27 pm
by Issir
Yeah, autocast AI is extremely broken here for Screech and Scorpid Poison autocast, especially Screech.
It doesn't make an extra 100 aggro for both main target and off targets and it 100% doesn't open nearest in-melee radius stealthed units. This ability is a poor choice for aggro management here on Nost, but it may be useful vs adds (Gollemag, Nefarian).
It has a completely different mechanic than a Demo shout since Screech must have a target and Screech does actual damage to target.
As for autocast - there is no proper solution. You may bind Screech to your PvE rotation shots, or make a swap autocasting macro for other abilities (which actually works for scorpids btw).