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Last try on Klinfran

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:30 pm
by Herhurricane
Been trying to kill Klinfran all day, he has been despawned three times by this hunter Abicei because he keeps taking aggro.

Here's the screenshot to show peope he took aggro on purpose coming too close and I did not feign death at all.

Please be careful with this hunter around.

Re: Last try on Klinfran

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:46 am
by kamroth
Hi everyone,

I was there during this try, and I saw everything. I do not contest that Abicei did something wrong and should have wait his turn, resulting in a demon despawn.
However, Herhurricane was not innocent too. He clearly failed his try, which can happens, and was in a very hard situation (demon more than 50% hp while he was out of mana). I had the demon in target and at this moment I saw him loose his aggro, which can mean ONLY 2 things : - The target is dead / The target feign death

As you can see on the screenshots, Herhurricane was not dead, that's too bad he did not post a full screenshot of the combatlog but only bits of it, cause I'm pretty sure we could have seen him cast feign death, then get up and cast something on the demon after Abicei took the aggro.

That's how it worls, the demon can only loose aggro if :
-His current target is dead
-His current target feign death
-Someone interfere during the fight : In this last case the cleaner spawns immediatly, soo the demon doesn't loose his aggro.

I personnaly believe that, despite the fact that Abicei had nothing to do so close and should not have try to aggro the demon so soon, the one who despawned it was Herhurricane.


Re: Last try on Klinfran

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:49 am
by Flex

Your screenshots doesn't prove anything. I will explain :

On the first one : you are alone in fight, fighting against Klinfran.

On the second one :
- You take a crit
- The other guy takes a hit right after.

Does demons have a different behaviour than other mobs ? Why the other guy would take a hit from nowhere ?
Where is the missing part of this combat log, showing, why did the other guy came in the aggro list ? and when ?

Third one isn't relevant, we can obviously know from second one that cleaner will come to get your asses.

Please give us the missing part.

Re: Last try on Klinfran

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:24 am
by Motecuro
On work

Re: Last try on Klinfran

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:29 am
by Flex
This is not written that it is a cleave attack, right ?

Re: Last try on Klinfran

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:31 am
by kamroth
The demon does not have any aoe or cleave attack. Or maybe you can prove it wrong ? We asked for facts, not speculation ...

Re: Last try on Klinfran

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 5:00 am
by phyriel
Doesn't matter kids, enjoy ur short respawn timer and deal with it:P or u wanna go back to 7 hour despawn timer? I waited for my turn at BS demon during my time for 10 days. Sorry for offtopic, I just can't sympathize with QQ about demons q being "still hard" with that short respawn timer.