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State of the hunter class at nost shutdown

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 6:00 pm
by aGenda
With nost effectively returning, I was curious what the hunter class looked like in terms of playability, bugs, mecahnics, etc. when nost shut down since the new servers will likely have the exact same issues. I'm not counting on the new dev team to be able to address bugs quickly with all the other work they have on their plate, so trying to get a feel for the hunter class on nost. Were there unresolved bugs or gameplay issues on nost? Or was everything mostly good?

I've seen old bug threads, but wasn't sure if they were resolved or not by the time the server shut down. Also not sure if anyone still posts here, but wanted to ask anyway.

Re: State of the hunter class at nost shutdown

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 7:48 pm
by Drain
It was in a good place except for the demon quest BS. That's probably still going to be a trainwreck on Elysium, unless the new staff actually gives a damn bout its players and reduces their spawn times, something Nost couldn't ever be bothered to do. I'm glad I'll be inheriting my bow, and not have to do that shit again. If I don't get my characters back, I won't bother with the server, or I could roll on one of the fresh realms, that has no imports.

Re: State of the hunter class at nost shutdown

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 5:49 pm
by pantsman27
I find it extremely unfair and unblizzlike to reduce demon spawn time. Myself and many other hunters did our time and fought against other hunters to get the spawns. You fucking idiots can't handle difficultly so you beg for reduced spawn times. The point of the quest was the difficulty. You get 3 purple items. Idk why in anybodies mind that should be made easier to do. True hunters were able to complete the quest as they had actual skill. Learn to play the damn class.

Re: State of the hunter class at nost shutdown

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:25 pm
by Drain
Still an arrogant imbecile as always, I see. Did you ever look up the retail population caps back then? I'd also suggest learning what blizzlike means, because those of us asking for it to be changed, would have made it more blizzlike, not less. He then goes on to confuse skill/difficulty with waiting in a queue line. In case you haven't noticed, no one ever asked to make the demons easier to fight, which is where those words would apply.

While I'm glad I won't have to do the quest again, I'm not like the arrogant prick above me, who doesn't care about the fate of future players. I hope Elysium doesn't dump on its Hunters like Nost did. This is just one of many things they have a chance to improve on from Nost. Many people act like Nost was nothing but sunshine and rainbows; no, it had tons of issues, all the way up to the day it closed. A new server is a chance for an even better one.

Re: State of the hunter class at nost shutdown

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 4:19 am
by Cargalia
to this day i never figured out that WS timer. i was poopsocking it 18 hours a day and seeing it infrequently. was odd the timers i was given never added up

Re: State of the hunter class at nost shutdown

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:46 pm
by pantsman27
lmao i just dont see why so many of us had to struggle to complete our quest then all these new fags come in and beg and beg for nost to make it easier. Makes zero sense.

Re: State of the hunter class at nost shutdown

PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 4:27 pm
by Guybrush
pantsman27 wrote:lmao i just dont see why so many of us had to struggle to complete our quest then all these new fags come in and beg and beg for nost to make it easier. Makes zero sense.

The difficulty should be in killing the bosses, not in having to wait for them for 18 hours every day. Some of us aren't children and have jobs to go to.

Re: State of the hunter class at nost shutdown

PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 7:16 pm
by Draggah
To answer the question, yes hunters were in a good spot. Fun to play, not any game breaking bugs. The demon's for the hunter quest was a little bothersome, and sure your spirit broke from time to time, but it just adds to the feeling when you turn in the quests. Amazeballs. There might be stuff I'm forgetting, due to nostalgia (Hurr hurr) but I really enjoyed playing a hunter, and looking forward to playing it again.

Re: State of the hunter class at nost shutdown

PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:37 pm
by Polyneikes
All in all yes, the class was in a good shape. There were some minor bugs concerning pets though - special rares like Snarler and Lupos weren't scripted correctly.

Re: State of the hunter class at nost shutdown

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:07 am
by Overtime
Nos has the best pathfinding that I've witnessed, pets work great with it.