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Old People Playing WoW (US EST) (Leveling Guild)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:31 pm
by honestmoe
Old people playing Wow- A US based EST leveling guild. We accept members from all countries and time zones. We ask that members be 30+ years old, or if younger (20s) have a good sense of maturity. OPPW is a friendly place to level your alt (or main). We have a zero tolerance policy on racist or bigoted comments, religious anti semitic nonsense etc. This is a friendly, light social place to enjoy your WoW time.

We do not raid. We do not have TS3. We do not have a website. Not fans of ferrets or yams either.

If interested please contact: Christeeny (GM) or Totowa/Paladgank (Officer) in game. We may ask you difficult questions like what is your favorite Hostess product or who is the sausage king of Chicago. Things that can be quickly searched on Altavista with a 56k connection.

Rock on and be excellent to each other. For the Alliance.

Re: Old People Playing WoW (US EST) (Leveling Guild)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 8:45 pm
by honestmoe
Gratuitous bump

Still going strong, come level with us old people.