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<Starlight Sentinels> - Night Elf World PvP guild

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:37 pm
by Pavled01
<Starlight Sentinels> is a Night Elf guild mainly made for World PvP events, but also for simply helping each other out! We are reformed guild from Vanilla / TBC retail and we decided to start once again our progress on Nostalrius! At this moment we are currently accepting every level to join our World PvP raids! If you are interested in joining you can simply whisper: Anshara in game and join our friendly and active guild.

- World PvP
- Dungeons
- Weekly raids on Horde in: Ashenvale, Hillsbrad Foothills, Stonetalon Mountains, Barrens, Stranglethorn Vale...
- Social Events / Youtube videos

If you are leveling and you are tired of getting ganked by Horde, this is the right place for you!

Our video on YouTube back from 2007 ( trailer ) :

If you are friendly, active NIght Elf player and interested in Joining! whisper Anshara in game and you will get an invite.

Also, Rank up in guild will be awarded by being active on world pvp raids, and participating with members.

Join our Battle Agains Horde!

- Anshara