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New to Raiding Not New to WoW

PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 6:30 pm
by porigromus
Hi all, I love classic. I am really looking forward to playing again. In the past I have been a player that loved five man dungeons but never really got into raiding. To be honest, I was intimidated by it. I really want to experience the raids I missed when I played back when.

I do not know how one goes about joining a raiding guild and how difficult it will be to join. I am a mature player. I am not going to say I am amazing at my class but I feel I did well as a tank in five man dungeons. I definitely am open minded to suggestions and follow instructions well.

I am open to the class I play as well. So do I have a chance at seeing this content? I don't care to be first at anything or obtain the best gear. I am more interested in at least seeing MC and first of all and possibly more with a group of good people that want to play well and have some fun.

What do you guys think? How should I go about achieving this? Thanks and nice to meet you all!


Re: New to Raiding Not New to WoW

PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 7:15 pm
by Aslan
Hey man

Nost servers have a large population, there are/will be numerous raiding guilds of all performance levels, everyone who wants to see some content can see some, provided he is willing to contribute. Everyone is able to contribute to a certain degree, though not every person has a mindset that would be a guild leaders wet dream. If you want to see it, you can see it.

The first step is picking your class/spec/race combo. Unless you specifically aim for some niché spec that is barely played at all and only accepted in more casual guilds, I advise you to follow the mainstream. Want to tank? Roll a warrior. Want to heal? Roll a Druid/shaman/paladin/priest. Want to dps? Roll a Warlock/Rogue/Mage/Warrior/Hunter. Every guild has 1 shadow priest, so your chances wont be super awesome, hunters tend to fall off the dps charts in later content, whereas casters grow in strength. All the above listed healing classes can fill in other rolls in dungeons and occasionally in raids, but are more considerd fun specs because they just arent on par. If you "really" want to play, lets say an enhancement shaman, you might find a guild that brings you in, however you wont ever be able to compete with the pure dps classes and most guilds wont consider you since you will be objectively worse than just bringing a full dpser. It would hinder your chances to see content.
For the other classes, you are also not quite free to chose your spec, rogues play combat, warriors play fury as dps, hunters are MM, mages either solely arcane/frost or deep frost in early content or fire in late content, your spec will pretty much always be dictated by a certain aspect of the game.
Think wisely about which class you should chose, we can discuss that here too.

When it comes to races, its usually completely up to you, whichever you prefer in terms of looks. Sure, an orc fury warrior is superior to an undead in most scenarios, but Im yet to see a fury dps be declined because he isnt an orc. The only is probably priests. If you play an alliance priest, be a dwarf, because of the racial ability "fear ward". As a dwarf your chances are far higher to get into a raiding guild than with a different race, even though all races get to raid. If you roll an alliance rogue, human is the safest way as they get a massive dps boost from their sword specialisation racial, but other classes are as raid-viable, but why make your life worse if it can be better. For most classes, the racial makes a minor difference, if you still want to know, just ask further.

Now that you made your way to 60, googled and farmed your preraid best-in-slot gear, you are ready to join a guild (or you join one on the way to 60...). Its safe to say that every halfway decent raiding guild will require you to fill out an application template on their corresponding website. Take your time, its your first impression. An application template isnt designed to shake you up and down like a salt shaker to find out about your game knowledge no matter what, its rather a chance for you to provide these things and convince your future class leader that you are that one long term raider guy who is reliable, becoming better weekly and overall a nice person to socialise with.

Before you get into your first raid, be sure to meet your guilds conditions and talk to your class leader. Read up on raid tactics (google, youtube), prepare your consumables, prepare and enchant your gear, get your spec correct, get the world buffs your guild requires you to get and so on. Be sure to talk to your class leader and other raiders, especially core raiders in your guild. Ask them what their key to sucess is, ask them how they dps or heal or tank in order to improve your own gameplay. You can talk to everyone on the whole server, nobody will bite your head off for asking him a class specific question, people will rather be flattered. Though before you do that, read some guides to get the basics going and also dont just variously ask every undead rogue with agility enchanted on his dagger, check out which guilds are good, which raiders have a good image, which individuals are the overperformers before you get too much half-information.

You did it, you set foot into your first ever raid. Stay calm, take initiative that matches your current skill level, be aware, dont go afk, be pro-active and dont forget everything you learned, because you just started gathering experience.


Re: New to Raiding Not New to WoW

PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 8:29 pm
by porigromus
Thank you Scar, that was a great amount of information. I appreciate that! I will definitely shoot for first thing choosing a class/spec combo that is desired for raiding while keeping racial abilities in mind for classes such as priest. I enjoyed tanking in the past but not stuck on that role.

Edit: How desirable are Warriors in raid guilds? If there are no tanking roles to fill, is there DPS role desirable? How many tanks are needed in raids?