Hey there!
We are a EU-based guild (with some NA players), formed in October 2015.
We mostly aim to create a friendly and helpful environment within the guild, combined with an efficient and smooth raiding organization. We want to perform well, but we value attitude and helpfulness on an even greater scale.
Current content status:
- Molten Core = Farm content
- Onyxia = Farm content
- ZG = Farm content
- Blackwing Lair = Farm content
19.30-23.00 CET
- Thursday
- Sunday
- Tuesday (optional)
Recruitment status:
- Hunter [HIGH]
- Mage [LOW]
- Warlock [LOW]
- Paladin (Holy) [Closed]
- Priest (Shadow) [Closed]
- Priest (Holy/Disc) [Closed]
- Rogue [Closed]
- Warrior (Prot) [LOW]
- Warrior (Fury) [Closed]
- Druid (Resto) [MEDIUM]
Throw an application at our site if you are interested - we look forward to hear from nice and positive minded people!
Kind regards,
Officers of Idiocracy
Website: http://idiocracyguild.com/