What are the best PVE specs ?

What are the best PVE specs ?

by Taphel » Wed Jun 24, 2015 12:16 pm

What are the best specs for raiding as a warlock ? I've heard about DS/ruin (So a demonology/destruction hybrid)

What about the affliction spec ? I've also heard about warlocks are good for buffing tanks, but basically how do you get your imp if you use DS ?

Also what are the stats you are looking for ? How many hit%, crit % etc ?

Thanks :D

Re: What are the best PVE specs ?

by chaph » Wed Jun 24, 2015 3:32 pm

SM/Ruin: (points can vary from subjective opinions)

This is the Imp spec - you only want 1x Warlock with this in the raid.


DS+MD/Ruin: (points can vary from subjective opinions)

This is a "bugged" spec, but working as intended seeing it wasn't fixed till late vanilla. What you do is basically sacrifice your succubus and having a healer ressing it - giving you both sacrifice buff and master demonology buff for 25% damage.


DS/Ruin: (points can vary from subjective opinions)

Standard sacrifice spec - go nuts on sbolt spam.


Re: What are the best PVE specs ?

by Taphel » Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:21 pm

Thanks for the answer.

What is the rotation for the "imp" spec ?? Do you even use siphon life or just dot + shadowbolt spam ?

Why do you get improved imp if you use demonic sacrifice on the DS/Ruin spec ?

Re: What are the best PVE specs ?

by Guybrush » Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:19 pm

I'd take Destructive Reach and Shadowburn instead of Cataclysm. Both really useful.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: What are the best PVE specs ?

by Taphel » Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:56 pm

What are shadowburn uses in PvE ? You use it on cooldown ?

Re: What are the best PVE specs ?

by Numi » Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:47 am

Taphel wrote:What are shadowburn uses in PvE ? You use it on cooldown ?

Depends on what youre aiming for, its important to have shards when you need to push DPS hard, but if soul shards isnt an issue, go hard and use it on CD.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: What are the best PVE specs ?

by forlorn » Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:00 pm

Taphel wrote:What are shadowburn uses in PvE ? You use it on cooldown ?

Perhaps in 5 mans, in situations where you would not be able to get a shadowbolt cast off before the target dies (they do roughly the same damage anyway). However in raids, you might as well ignore it due to the near impossibility of obtaining soul shards with the current debuff limit pushing drain soul off almost instantaneously.

Re: What are the best PVE specs ?

by Denbts » Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:52 pm

When does SM/Ruin actually become viable? How many debuff slots would you realistically need to be able to keep corruption and CoA on the target for their full durations, and do those two spells put it on par with DS spec?

Re: What are the best PVE specs ?

by Denbts » Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:52 pm

When does SM/Ruin actually become viable? How many debuff slots would you realistically need to be able to keep corruption and CoA on the target for their full durations, and do those two spells put it on par with DS spec?

Re: What are the best PVE specs ?

by Thefilth » Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:07 pm

Denbts wrote:When does SM/Ruin actually become viable? How many debuff slots would you realistically need to be able to keep corruption and CoA on the target for their full durations, and do those two spells put it on par with DS spec?

Debuff cap is increased to 16 with ZG.

The rest is up to your raid's assignments.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major


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