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Re: Warlock pvp builds

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 2:52 pm
by Granulat
Playing PvP without soullink is so boring I miss words.


Reason not to build Destruction for shadowburn is that you wont have enough shards to keep using it all the time anyway.

The longer you survive in a BG the more HKs you will participate in and the more honor you get. Affliction/Destruction is not PvP spec but PvE, sure can go glass cannon but you wont outlast rogues/warriors.

Re: Warlock pvp builds

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 4:32 pm
by newtee2
Your spec has some flaws that I will address. Improved imp is useless as the only pets you will use will be the other 3. Improved succubus is useless to me because im an alliance warlock and 50 percent of horde are undead with the rest being orc warriors who will just use zerker rage. Better to put these talents into improved pet health since you will be sl. Speccing fel concentration is useless because drain life is bugged and stops casting at the wrong diatance. You shouldnt be using it at all. Better to put those points into hit because a lot of people have shadow resist from gear. I pvp as ds ruin because im poor and my spells are resisted 30 percent of the time. Heres my suggested spec

Re: Warlock pvp builds

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 5:16 pm
by metagame
Drain life is also bugged in another way: mortal strike should not cause drain life to heal for half HP.

I would get 3/3 Succubus and 3/5 Fel Stamina. Seduce lasts forever, and nothing is worse than being CCd for 20% longer than forever.

Re: Warlock pvp builds

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 6:50 pm
by newtee2
Whats the point? You're a gnome and you know 50 percent of the horde is ud, with probably 80 percent of 60 horde pvpers being ud. Theres never enough priests or locks in a bg to cause an ud player to pop wotf every 2 minutes. Better to use felhunter which has more hp, gives 60 resists, and can dispel magic and do clutch spell locks (though I find when I use spell lock it doesnt work in time most of the time).