sownu wrote:Nikoru wrote:I'm streaming my raids since months, just investigate

I'm here to share my experience with everyone, if I have a secret I'm intending to enlighten people.
this just a stream advertisement? thats why you so vague or lying?
all coalition locks have similar gear, same buffs, same consumables, same pi, and do same shit in fights but you pull 100dps more - right

Must be because I´m german. We love Endsieg.
I can´t really tell you more. My guess is the following:
I´m in general extremly good at Razergore and Nefarian p1 fights.
Proof: Razergore ... t=13182711 ... t=27183244 ... t=10181917 ... t=03193153Proof: Nefarian (check the graphs at the start) ... t=27192129 ... t=20191619 ... t=10191232 ... t=17211058Both those events are relatively long compared to normal bossfights (such as Ebonroc for example -> dealing like 30k damage aka 700-1100 DPS). The Razergore bossfight normally gives (at least to me) the chance to deal between 100.000 and 180.000 damage (depending on the mobspawnrate which differs weekly from a spectrum of 2 orcs spawning per wave, 0 dragons at all to massive overflood of dragons and orcs and ofc the fact that the bossfight is - at least in our raids - extremly meleefavoured. The mobs just EXPLODE before Searing Pain is even casted and you stand there and afk most of the time) The way the Raidstats average DPS is working is that it takes the overall dealed damage (all bosses) devided through the amount of time you were spending fighting those mobs. Since I normally have about 20.000-40.000 more damage than other locks due to the fact that im extremly fast at reacting to mobs in the same amount of time (which is basically the damagespan of a full bossfight just on Razergore) my average DPS skyrockets compared to the DPS of the other warlocks.
Warlock is indeed super dependant on RNG, but that´s just to a certain extend. What really matters in scenarios like discribed above is the way of mindset you have. I´m playing super agressive, I´m the one pulling bosses sometimes and I´m giving our tanks a really really rough time threatwise. They adjusted to it. Its also the fact, that all tactics we play in general were either fully suggested by me (to perfectly fit to my playstyle) or I´ve at least contributed in the development of the given tactic.
Volo wrote:Thank you for this opportunity koruu.
My main issue au the moment is being threat capped. With the damage you deal in raid, do you also face the same issue? If so, how do you deal With it in order to keep up With such a high dps? Should a horde site guild take advantage of the shamans threat reduction totem in your opinion?
Warlock is a class, that is literally using a "taunt" every 2,5 seconds (aka shadowbolt). The threat the class builds is insane.
That is ofc just compared to other classes such as mages and hunters (using ranged attacks).
However, warriors in protectionspecc using the right gear and consumables are BY FAR able to outthreat you even if you potentially pull 1.000+ average DPS on bosses. The thing in general is, that most of the tanks in almost every guild are not playing at even 60% of their potentials, be it dropping defense gear for TPS gear in specific situations, using the right weapon (Alcors Sunrazer > Crul´Shroukh or whats even worse Quel´Sarrar), right cooldownusage (Poping Recklessnes a couple seconds before the Vaelastrasz fight starts to build up additional rage and most importantly threat from the first second on) or not using their abilities as a maintank being ragecapped in the right way (aka ditching heroic strike weaponswingqueues to use other abilites such as Sunder Armor due to either missing macros or not being able to multitask [Faceroll your keyboard] <- the most common and most retarded thing to fail at).
The Coalition tanks are pretty good at building TPS. I´m at the moment playing without KTM gui toggled. There you can see, how much I trust our tanks (or rather what my expectations are ). I go full kamikaze mode right from the beginning and don´t give a fuck. Checking the streamrecordings of our raids from other DPS PoV shows me that I´m not even close to 100% of the threat (130% is the point you overnuke as a ranged). That means that Blessing of Salvation is not having any major impact on my bahavior as a DPS in raids (ofc it contributes).
In my opinion it is a clear problem with your tank, if you are threatcapped, doesn´t matter what faction you play on. It is absolutely not your fail, should you be high in threat. However, you should ofc always go with the possibilities your raid is offering to you. The Tranquil Air totem will obviously help you but I really doubt that you´ll ever have enough shamans to supply the melees demand of windfurytotem (which they won´t really be able to use to the full extend if already you as a ranged are threatcapped) and your warlock´s group demand on the Tranquil Air.
Then again, there is this phenomenon thats giving me a headache really often. Its when on tauntable bosses (Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegore for BWL) people watch at KTM and think about stoping when they see they´re high. The following has to be said: the bosses are tauntable. Threat does NOT matter at those fights. You can even deal 4.000 DPS, you CAN´T overnuke if your tanksquad is not slacking. Thats straight up 3 fights in BWL where you can watch a porn and hammer the shadowbolt button without even watching the screen.