Alliance Warlock?

Re: Alliance Warlock?

by Wolfrig » Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:53 am

Thanks, Aethelwulf.

Oh and btw, I just realised there is one advantage Alliance locks have. Now it might not be much, but still.

On Horde, only priests have dispel magic. Shamans have offensive dispel which is very powerful for, well, offensive, but you cannot use it to remove warlock's dots and fears, should the feared target have it's PvP trinket and WotF (if he's undead) on cd.

There is a lot of Shamans and Paladins on both sides (I think they are in the more popular half of the classes) and when playing lock on horde, all the priests and paladins can remove your dots and fears (aside from curses, which are removed by druids and mages ofc), while playing lock on ally means that if there is no (usually undead) priest near you enemies at the moment your dots and fear's won't be dispelled.

I know this bonus in the lack of dispellers on the horde side does not mean alliance locks are in better position. I just felt I wanted to write it down and hear what more experienced players think of it.
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Re: Alliance Warlock?

by Aethelwulf » Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:36 am

I just explained this in the other thread but Shamans can remove Fears (and Charm and Sleep) with Tremor Totem. Aside from that, Warlocks can dispel with their Felhunters too. They can also self-dispel with a Spellstone. And yes, there are priests with Dispel as well on the Horde side.
Last edited by Aethelwulf on Mon Sep 28, 2015 1:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Alliance Warlock?

by TheGreyMouser » Mon Sep 28, 2015 12:42 pm

Trader wrote:WoTf is stupidly overpowered for a racial IMO, it hard counters Warlocks like no other class, it would not even be THAT bad if not the fact that 80% of Horde rolled Undead FOR the racial... :roll:

Yes you can navigate around it, thank god WoTF does not break death coil.

But there is a very REAL reason that Alliance locks are way unrepesented overall and alot of it has to do with WoTF(imo).

I have a 60 ally lock, but if I had to start again or reroll I would choose Horde lock in less then a SECOND to not have to deal with WoTF EVER again.

You say that like having a "60 warlock" means you are expert at playing it. Obviously from this post, you are far far far from expert.

The very first thing you should learn as a warlock is "Don't stand in shit", A live warlock is a mobile warlock, you gotta move out of AoE. So by now you should be used to moving. Point? Will of the forsaken lasts 6/8 seconds on a 2 minute (?) Cool down. Rogue vanish has improved stealth for 6/8 seconds after use (3 1/2 minute cd if talented). The human racial 'Perception' has a 3 minute cool down but lasts 30 seconds.

Fear, dot, run away for 6 seconds. Remember how dots break stealth? After 6 seconds, just fear and dot until the undead if fulldead.

In other words, if you haven't figured that out by level 60, you have no right to say "I have a level 60 warlock" like it is supposed to mean something. If you are to lazy to learn the other factions racials and class abilities and limitations.... whose fault is that?

That is the best thing about pvp in vanilla. "THAT CLASS IS OP, NERF THEM" was always answered with "LEARN TO PLAY" and not a hotfix.

Re: Alliance Warlock?

by Aethelwulf » Mon Sep 28, 2015 12:56 pm

Ahem, WotF is 5 sec duration on 2 min cd. Perception is 20 sec duration on its 3 min cd. Perception also does not work against Vanish because Vanish's stealth level is so high that even Rank 1 Vanish is undetectable if you stack every single stealth detection buff in the game.

As for not standing in shit, certainly, good advice, but it is worth noting that Warlocks have no improved mobility of any sort and most slows are spammable and stronger than a Warlock's Curse of Exhaustion.

Also, vanilla has historically had imbalance issues. Certainly Blizzard was crap at listening and assumed everyone who questioned them just needed to L2P but balance issues abound in vanilla as well. For instance, Enhancement Shamans have no charge or gap-closing ability. Sure they like to talk about their great 2H hits, but actually getting into position is ridiculously difficult as damn near every class can kite and CC them around before they ever get so close. Shadow Priests have a terrible custom coefficient on their Mind Flay ensuring that as gearing advances, spriests fall more and more behind. Warriors are overly dependent on epics, not just for damage but also for rage generation. Rogues have the element of surprise and can stunlock enemies into the ground without any reasonable chance to fight back.
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Re: Alliance Warlock?

by Noselacri » Mon Sep 28, 2015 2:01 pm

This is all getting a bit abstract.

Within the context of being strong against warlocks, nothing any race has comes even remotely close to WOTF. It's completely in a category of its own. No other class in the game is as severely handicapped by a racial ability from the opposite faction. Even Perception is a small matter for rogues compared to what WOTF is for warlocks.

Re: Alliance Warlock?

by TheGreyMouser » Fri Feb 26, 2016 7:16 am

It seems to me that everyone in this thread seems to think warlocks are a glass cannon. We can move! If you want to talk PVP, don't be a noob, use frost protection potions vs mages, dot and drain mana. I don't care how far that mage can blink, they can't out run dots. Same goes for WOtF, you KNOW they are going to wotf out of your fear... so move away, blow their 6 second immunity and then fear away. Seriously, if any undead gets to use wotf twice in a fight, you just need to delete your warlock. Don't forget your pvp minion.. the succubus! Ok, they wotf out of your fear, just run until your succy charms, then chain fear away. Chances are that unless the undead is a total noob, they will be killing your succy asap, while you dot them up and laugh your ass off.

Of course there is also engineering and net launchers. IOW, prepare for your role, if you aren't doing pvp the net launcher is pretty useless. If you do pvp, it can save your squishy ass. Don't forget your environment.. unending breath and swim deep = dead anything that is trying to melee you. Want to be really op? Eng and Taloring or alchemy (use alts for mats)

The biggest problem with warlocks, is players that can only think inside the box.

Re: Alliance Warlock?

by sownu » Sat Feb 27, 2016 2:16 am

TheGreyMouser wrote:It seems to me that everyone in this thread seems to think warlocks are a glass cannon. We can move! If you want to talk PVP, don't be a noob, use frost protection potions vs mages, dot and drain mana. I don't care how far that mage can blink, they can't out run dots. Same goes for WOtF, you KNOW they are going to wotf out of your fear... so move away, blow their 6 second immunity and then fear away. Seriously, if any undead gets to use wotf twice in a fight, you just need to delete your warlock. Don't forget your pvp minion.. the succubus! Ok, they wotf out of your fear, just run until your succy charms, then chain fear away. Chances are that unless the undead is a total noob, they will be killing your succy asap, while you dot them up and laugh your ass off.

Of course there is also engineering and net launchers. IOW, prepare for your role, if you aren't doing pvp the net launcher is pretty useless. If you do pvp, it can save your squishy ass. Don't forget your environment.. unending breath and swim deep = dead anything that is trying to melee you. Want to be really op? Eng and Taloring or alchemy (use alts for mats)

The biggest problem with warlocks, is players that can only think inside the box.

There are different scenarios when playing warlock. Sure you can dot and fear when you are in greens/blues but when you gear up and face geared enemies its all about burst.

You dont really get casts off nor anyone lets you cast. GL drain something for 150hp sec when you get crits coming for 2k+ Fear ? Please, you die before cast even gets off.

Its either spam shadowbolts and burst people when not focused or supported, or spam coe cot from max range and panic as soon as anyone target you.

Locks are glass cannon.
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Senior Sergeant

Re: Alliance Warlock?

by Darkwinjax » Sat Feb 27, 2016 6:48 pm

sownu wrote:
TheGreyMouser wrote:It seems to me that everyone in this thread seems to think warlocks are a glass cannon. We can move! If you want to talk PVP, don't be a noob, use frost protection potions vs mages, dot and drain mana. I don't care how far that mage can blink, they can't out run dots. Same goes for WOtF, you KNOW they are going to wotf out of your fear... so move away, blow their 6 second immunity and then fear away. Seriously, if any undead gets to use wotf twice in a fight, you just need to delete your warlock. Don't forget your pvp minion.. the succubus! Ok, they wotf out of your fear, just run until your succy charms, then chain fear away. Chances are that unless the undead is a total noob, they will be killing your succy asap, while you dot them up and laugh your ass off.

Of course there is also engineering and net launchers. IOW, prepare for your role, if you aren't doing pvp the net launcher is pretty useless. If you do pvp, it can save your squishy ass. Don't forget your environment.. unending breath and swim deep = dead anything that is trying to melee you. Want to be really op? Eng and Taloring or alchemy (use alts for mats)

The biggest problem with warlocks, is players that can only think inside the box.

There are different scenarios when playing warlock. Sure you can dot and fear when you are in greens/blues but when you gear up and face geared enemies its all about burst.

You dont really get casts off nor anyone lets you cast. GL drain something for 150hp sec when you get crits coming for 2k+ Fear ? Please, you die before cast even gets off.

Its either spam shadowbolts and burst people when not focused or supported, or spam coe cot from max range and panic as soon as anyone target you.

Locks are glass cannon.

If you are in a position where you can get nuked without warriors overextending or getting into danger situations then you are wrongly position, with consumables and team support a good warlock is not only hard to kill but it's a necessity to do so, cause a geared warlock cannot free cast by any means, how useful you are in the overall fight comes down to how much pressure you put through dots on several targets and how good are you at keeping tongues up + fear, it's knowing when and how you should do these things aswell as when you are going to burst a target down + your overall positioning that will determine how good you are playing warlock.

obviously undeads have an easier time playing 1v1 and wpvp since you don't have to face WotF and horde warlocks can rely on elemental shamans to have the highest burst possible in the game, alliance warlocks have paladins however that can compensate for positioning and have better heals and defensive utility than shamans, the average skill cap for a shaman is higher than a paladin which is why 99% of horde warlocks complain, cause 1st they don't know how to play warlock and 2nd 99% of horde shamans are also shit, and a shit shaman is not gonna be useful, at all. I'd say both factions have the same powerlevel when it comes to premade vs premade and everyone is playing @ their top game.

Wpvp and 1v1 duels is handsdown going to horde though because you don't face WotF (And don't forget the passive bugged shadow resistance which will literally lose you duels eventually) and don't face Orcs (25% stun resist on grenades is real)
lookin like a school shooter when i walk into these halls
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