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Alliance Warlock in PvP

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 3:53 am
by Wolfrig
Any alliance lock to share his pvp experiences? I would really like to roll a warlock on PvE realm, and since on PvP I played on Horde, this time I want to roll alliance.

The problem is, however, the infamous WotF the undeads (some 40% of Horde) have to counter a lock's fear.

So to keep it short and simple: is there someone who has played alot of PvP as an alliance lock, and could that someone share with me (and other possible future ally locks) some tips and tricks as to how to deal with half the horde having a free fear trinket against us?

Re: Alliance Warlock in PvP

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:21 pm
by valaquenta
- way more less rogue proprotionnally due to the pve state of the server
- no ganking
- wotf very overrated and not that incredible in group pvp

you should have a much better experience in pvp with a warlock on the alliance side compared to the pvp server

Re: Alliance Warlock in PvP

PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 3:35 am
by Numi
The undead racial is far outweighed by the usefulness of paladins in PvP, sure, the fear break is annoying, but a blessing of freedom is game changing, while a blessing of protection is even stronger.

I may not be the most experience warlock on the server, but I doubt you'd find anyone with more experience disagreeing with the fact that paladins are OP as fk.

My char.

Re: Alliance Warlock in PvP

PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 11:55 am
by Wolfrig
Yea, alliance has paladins, but horde has shamans, and those guys seems pretty beastlike as well. They can simply purge BoF or BoP, and then what? They countered 2 important paladin CD's with 2 global CD's (BoF CD is only 20 seconds, but in 20 seconds a fight might end.

Re: Alliance Warlock in PvP

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:53 pm
by Zor
Therefore the point taken from the answers in the thread is: just roll whatever

Re: Alliance Warlock in PvP

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 10:50 pm
by diogenes
Numi wrote:I doubt you'd find anyone with more experience disagreeing with the fact that paladins are OP as fk.

I agree paladins (good ones) are OP in solo queues and pugs, but with an organized group, they're certainly not unbeatable, though they are still very tough.

Honestly, I think you should play whichever faction you like better (Paladins do break more fights in PvE just think Maexina compared to Horde)

If you want to play a lock, and you want to play horde, orc is definitely the stronger race (stun resist is soooooooooo strong) although cannibalism and wotf are noteworthy. For alliance, the stronger race is definitely gnome. Humans do get perception and diplomacy for easy rep farm, but to be snared as a lock is gg since we can't remove that with our pvp trinket. Additionally Humans do not increase our pve play, but gnomes are the only race that do (5% more int is slightly more crit and somewhat noteworthy).

Re: Alliance Warlock in PvP

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 3:45 pm
by Numi
diogenes wrote:
Numi wrote:Additionally Humans do not increase our pve play, but gnomes are the only race that do (5% more int is slightly more crit and somewhat noteworthy).

But on the other hand, gnomes are super ugly... :D

Re: Alliance Warlock in PvP

PostPosted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:33 pm
by Aethelwulf
Numi wrote:The undead racial is far outweighed by the usefulness of paladins in PvP, sure, the fear break is annoying, but a blessing of freedom is game changing, while a blessing of protection is even stronger.

A Blessing of Freedom is also easily purged, like Shamans and Priests can do (in addition to a Felhunter's Devour Magic). Shamans can also purge Soul Link and drop Tremor Totems to break Fear and Seduce in AoEs. Playing Alliance is still bad for PvP.

Anyway Wolfrig, for Alliance Warlocks you generally just resign yourself to running with a Felhunter (no Succubus in PvP) and accept that you cannot really expect crowd control to work on enemies, unless we're counting Felhunter Spell Lock as a soft CC. You can also add Engineering if you want more CC, like bombs, Gnomish Net-O-Matic, Goblin Rocket Helm, etc.

Re: Alliance Warlock in PvP

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 7:31 pm
by Acrimony
Tbh it really depends on what you want.

If you enjoy solo/world pvp then go horde. Tbh if you are interested in group pvp and have some friends, go horde. Yes, yes i see lots of people scremaming "but blessing of protection" but in my experience any super serious team fight situation where BoP saves you, it gets instantly removed, even if you dance around spamming trash buffs on your self while someone trys to heal you. On paper horde is just better for a warlock.

However alliance does have some saving graces, there are basically 0 warlocks on alliance in comparison to horde, combined with the fact that in my experience the alliance is a lot more closely knit, its far easier to find an end game raiding guild as alliance. Additionally if you are a "good" warlock on alliance its very easy to be noticed and picked up for a pre-made group if you are intent on ranking.

Re: Alliance Warlock in PvP

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 12:43 am
by Volo
diogenes wrote:
Numi wrote:orc is definitely the stronger race (stun resist is soooooooooo strong) although cannibalism and wotf are noteworthy.

this !

just don't play alliance, you'll suffer from noobs with nearly gamebreaking racial. It's like playing a rogue horde side: pure masochism.